What do most Christians do on Sunday mornings?
Most Christians attend a service on Sunday mornings at Church
What is Christmas?
The day Jesus was born.
Where was Jesus born?
He was born in Palestine but grew up in Nazareth
It is the belief that if you do good, you will get good in return. If you do something bad, bad will come back to you
What is the first branch of Christianity?
What is a common tradition before you eat(dinner)?
Most Christians will pray and thank god for the food he has given them.
What holiday lasts for 40 days?
How was Jesus killed?
Jesus died on the cross
What happens when you are not free from all your sins when you pass away?
Christians belive you will go to Hell.
What is an orthodox church called in the west?
A Roman Catholic Church
What is a common ritual before one goes to bed?
More Christians will read their bible and say a prayer before they fall asleep.
What is the purpose of Ash Wednesday?
It is a day when Christians confess their sins to God and ask for forgiveness.
What was he relation to God?
He was his son
How are you assured you go to heaven after you pass away?
You are freed of all sins, by admitted you are a sinner, asking for forgiveness, and admit Jesus died for your sins and rose again, and ask for him to have a relationship with you.
What branch of Christianity developed in the early 1900s?

Charismatics or Pentecostals
What is the common ritual when a child is born?
They are Baptise in holy water.
What is good Friday and what does it symbolize?
Good Friday is the Friday before Easter, it symbolizes the day Jesus died on the cross.
What was Jesus' profession?
He was a carpenter, or a manual worker
What did Jesus teach about the Kindom of Heaven?
He taught that it was very near and that we can choose it now or have it happen when Jesus returns and hope we make the right choicee.
When did the western and eastern churches slip?
In the year, 1054 the churches split
What is Eurchiaast?
Eurchiast, is the tradition of eating Jesus' blood and body, as wine and a wafer, at the last supper.
What is Palm Sunday and what does it mean?
Palm Sunday is the last Sunday of lent, it begins the holy week and begins to commemorate Jesus' entry into Jerusalem.
What does the star represent?
The star represents where Jesus was born
Where does one go right away when they pass away, when they are freed from their sins or not?
Everyone goes to hell first, and they stay there until they are ready for Heaven.
What are the two most distinct branches of Christianity?
Mormonism and Christian Science