Who is it?
Name that Denomination
Biblical/Church History
The first man created by God. He is referred to in Romans when Paul writes of sin entering the world through one man.

Who is Adam?


A Christian Denomination known for theological doctrines such as papal infallibility, transubstantiation, and apostolic succession, whose authoritative center lies in the Vatican.

What is the Catholic church/Roman Catholic church?


The chapter and verse number of arguably the most famous Bible verse from the gospel of John, that states "For God so loved the world that he gave his only son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish, but have eternal life."

What is 3:16?


A central belief of Christianity that refers the respective deity of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit and their oneness as God.

What is the Holy Trinity?


God acted through Moses and his brother, Aaron, in order to deliver His people, the Israelites, from slavery in this nation.

What is Egypt?


The most famous King of Israel, often associated with beating the odds in a fight against a much larger opponent.

Who is King David?


The most popular Christian denomination in the United States, who ironically view baptism as a purely symbolic gesture with no literal significance.

Who are Baptists?


The number of days that Jesus spent in his tomb before resurrecting.

What is 3?


Sola Fide is Protestant doctrine of soteriology that insists on salvation being through _____ alone.

What is faith?


The Empire that controlled the land of Israel during Jesus' earthly ministry, who were Pagans up until the days of Emperor Constantine the Great, who was one of the first major world leaders to legalize Christianity, playing a major part in it's meteoric spread across the world.

What is the Roman Empire?


The man whose preaching paved the way for the beginning of Jesus' ministry, famously baptizing Jesus in the Jordan river. (Hint: A key word in the question could give it away)

Who is John the Baptist?


This Protestant denomination was founded in Germany, named after it's spearheading figure who immediately comes to mind at any mention of the Reformation.

What is Lutheranism?


Young earth creationists, who interpret the narrative of Genesis chapter 1 literally, believe the earth to be roughly this many years old rounded to the nearest thousand.

What is 6000?


Arguably the most famous early church theologian, whose name contains a month of the year. (Hint: His name is commonly preceded with the title of Saint.)

Who is St. Augustine?


Though likely false, a famous story exists about the Council of Nicaea in which this early church saint punches another theologian in the face for his persistence in arguing that Jesus was not God. (Hint: Santa Claus)

Who is St. Nicholas?


The father of the Israelite people, with whom God made the covenant that formed the nation of Israel. He also happens to share a name with a very prominent and universally loved US President.

Who is Abraham?


A Christian denomination that predates Protestantism by hundreds of years, most commonly seen in Eastern Europe, formed by The Great Schism in which they separated from the Catholic Church. Unlike Protestants, they reject Sola Scriptura, upholding the doctrine of an infallible church authority.

What is Eastern Orthodoxy?


The number of books in the traditional Protestant Bible (Hint: This same number plays a part in a critical plot point of Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith)

What is 66?


The most common theological doctrine associated with Calvinism, stating that the eternal fate of every human being has already been determined before the world's foundation.

What is Predestination?


The first Bible translation to ever be made, known as the Septuagint, was made hundreds of years before the birth of Jesus amd was made by Jewish scholars, translating the original Hebrew Old Testament texts into this Southern European language.

What is Greek?


The wife of King Ahab of Israel, who is known for leading many into worshipping false gods and has a name that is popularly used to label a woman as a wicked doer of evil.

Who is Jezebel?


This "denomination" far closer fits the description of a cult than a branch of Christianity. Touting their own tailor-made Bible translation and denying the divinity of Christ, this sect is made famous by their door-to-door evangelism method in which they attempt to meet people at their houses and dicuss their theological doctrines.

Who are Jehovah's Witnesses?


The number of books that make up the Torah, which is a section of the Bible that spans from the creation of the earth in Genesis 1 to the death of Moses in Deuteronomy 34.

What is 5?


This Biblical figure, sometimes addressed by the Greek word "Theotokos", or by the phrase "full of grace", is a hot topic of debate between Protestants and Catholics due to the Catholic assertion that this person was made sinless by God, which Protestants reject and often liken to idolatry.

Who is the Virgin Mary?


The apostle whom Catholics credit as the first Pope, citing a passage from the Gospel of Matthew in which Jesus says in reference to him, "upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it."

Who is Peter/Simon Peter?