Which religion celebrates Hanukkah?
True or false: all 3 religions started in Israel
False, Islam started in Saudi Arabia.
What are the holy books called in all 3 religions?
Christianity: the Bible
Judaism: the Torah
Islam: the Qur'an
True or false: all 3 religions are monotheistic
True or false: Christians and Jews celebrate Easter, but Muslims do not
False, Jews and Muslims do not celebrate Easter, only Christians.
In which religion do the followers believe that they are the "chosen people" and why?
Jews believe that they were singled out and chosen to receive God's and blessings and that they have a responsibility to uphold God's laws.
What is the difference between a hijab and a burqua?
A hijab is a scarf that covers most or all of a woman's hair.
A burqua is the most concealing covering for Muslims, it covers the entire face and body with a mesh screen covering the eyes.
What are the branches of Judaism?
True or false: Only Jews and Muslims fast
False, Christians often fast during Lent.
What are the places of worship called in all 3 religions?
Christianity: Church
Judaism: Synagogue
Islam: Mosque
What are the symbols of all 3 religions?
Christianity: the Cross
Judaism: the Star of David
Islam: the Crescent & Star
Which religion(s) promote circumcision?
Judaism and Islam
What are the dietary laws for Muslims and Jews called, and how must the animals they eat be killed?
Muslims are only allowed to eat food that is "Halal" and Jews can only eat food that is "Kosher. The animals that they eat must be killed in a humane way.
What is the main difference between Sunnis and Shi'as?
In which religion do males wear a Kippah, and what does it signify?
Jewish males wear a head covering called a Kippah, which is a reminded that God is always above them.
What are the coming of age ceremonies Christianity and Judaism called?
Christianity: Conformation
Judaism: Bar/bat Mitzvah
What are the differences in the times of prayer for Muslims and Jews?
Muslims: must pray in the morning, noon, afternoon, evening, and night
Jews: must pray in the morning, afternoon, and evening
Who is considered the most important prophet in all 3 religions and why?
Moses, because he lead the Israelites out of Egypt, he wrote the Torah and he was given the scriptures in Islam.
What does the Star of David symbolize?
The connection between God, Israel and the Torah.
What are the names of the prayer leaders in each religion?
Christianity: Priest
Judaism: Rabbi
Islam: Imam