Arts & Entertainment
Ancient History
Food and Drink

Question: what is Christina’s favorite movie?

A. The Godfather

B. Under the Tuscan Sun

C. Seduced and Abandoned

D. Big Fish

The Godfather


Where did Zia beg her parents to take her as a child?

a. Disneyland

b. Italy

c. Petting zoo

d. South Coast Plaza

Question:  how many individual tiles did Zia 

Petting zoo


What does Christina have to have every morning?

A. Tea

B. A hangover

C. Latte

D. A love fest with Enzo

Latte and a love fest


For how many years has Zia lived outside California?

a. None   Why would anyone do that?

b. 2         Just see what I know I’m not missing

c. 5         The edge of sanity

d. 10       Anything I do from here is not my fault



What is Christina’s favorite tea?

A. Green tea

B. Earl Grey

C. Hibiscus tea

D. Ginger tea

B. Earl Grey tea


How many individual tiles did Zia set in her mosaic?

A. 2000

B. 4000

C. 6000

D. 100,000



Christina wore what kind of hairstyle as a little girl?

A. Braids

B. A ponytail

C. A bun

D. Fiahtails

A. Braids


What is Christina’s favorite dessert flavor combination?

A. Raspberry and Lemon

B. Chocolate and Banana

C. Meringue and Lemon

D. Peach and anything



What would be Christina’s spirit animal?

A. A Bat

B. A Dolphin

C. A Fox

D. An Elephant

C. A Fox


Christina loves what childhood classic food and could eat it every day?

A. Peanut Butter and Jelly

B. Cheese Quesadillas

C. She doesn’t have any childhood classics

D. Goldfish Crackers

A. Peanut Butter and Jelly


What are the two colors in the mosaic’s flower petals?

a. Green and white

b. Blue and white

c. Orange and green

d. There are no petals

Green and white


When she was a little girl what did Christina accidentally swallow?

A. Her loose tooth

B. A pencil eraser

C. A penny

D. Glue

A. Her loose tooth


Christina’s major is in what?

A. Economics

B. Political Science

C. Business

D. Design

A. Economics and almost Design too!


Christina loved what children’s book series?

A. Little House on the Prairie

B. Nancy Drew

C. Narnia 

D. Orphan Train

B. Nancy Drew


Christina’s favorite candy is what?

A. Red Vines Licorice

B. Milky Way Candy Bar

C. Nerds Candy

D. Snickers Candy Bar

A. Red Vines Licorice


Christina cried when which singer passed away?

A. Elvis

B. George Michael

C. Aretha Franklin

D. Ella Fitzgerald

B. George Michael


Christina was very attached to what as a child?

A. Her teddy bear

B. Her doll

C. Her slinky toy

D. Her blanket

D. Her blanket


What is Christina’s favorite fashion accessory?

A. A belt

B. Earrings

C. A scarf

D. Enzo

C. A scarf


What fashion print is Christina’s favorite?

A. Florals

B. Leopard

C. Zebra

D. Cirrus Prints

C. Zebra Print


Christina loves what in her ice cream? (Especially in mint ice cream)

A. Sprinkles

B. Gummy Bears

C. Graham Crackers

D. Oreos

D. Oreos


For Easter during COVID Katia gifted Christina a painting she had made of what?

A. A Mermaid

B. A Cheetah

C. A Pretty Bird

D. A Flamingo

C. A Pretty Bird


What did Christina get as a child as a treat that she has never gotten since?

A. Ice cream

B. Gummy worms

C. Pretzels

D. A Candy Necklace

D. A Candy Necklace


When Christina’s was in Seattle what fell out of her milk carton one day?

A. A huge slimy slug

B. Snowflakes

C. Ice

D. It was chocolate milk 

B. Snowflakes


Christina’s birthstone the opal is also the name of a main character in what famous children’s book?

A. Anne of Gren Gables

B. Little Women

C. The Hardy Boys

D. Because of Winn Dixie

D. Because of Winn Dixie


Christina’s favorite dessert combination is what?

A. Peaches and Anything

B. Chocolate and Bananas

C. Vanilla and Cinnamon

D. Raspberry and Lemon

B. Chocolate and Banana