What color is Santas clothes
Ho many episodes are there in an advent calendar?
Who sing Tinka and the "konge spil"
Hjalmer Larsen
Which reindeer have a red nose?
Where live Santa? If ask a Dane
Which calendar are there this year?
Chritmaswish and Chritmas fever
Sing an english christmas song.
You have 10 seconds to discuss. Then you should sing in 30 seconds
We decid if you will get the point
How many reindeers have Santa?
He has 9 reindeers
Who changed Santas color from green?
Coca Cola
When was the first time you could watch Tinka?
Give us the word. But i'ma be under the .................... I don't wanna miss of the holidays
But i'ma be under the mistletoe I don't wanna miss of the holidays
What is Prancer called at danish?
Where is Santas workshop?
In which advent calender are they talking danklish
The julekaldener
What is the most played christmas song on Spotify?
Last christmas
Say 5 of the reindeers names
Rudolf, Springer, Smukke, Konge, Komet, Armor, Torden, Lyn and Danser.
How old is Santa Claus?
1750 years old
Which advent calendar could you watch for the first time in 2005 at TV2?
Christmas in Valhalla
Name the song José Feliciano has made with a spanish title
Feliz Navidad
Name the song Chuck Berry has made about a reindeer?
Run Rudolph Run