Anything Goes!

This term dates to the 1550s, from Christopher Columbus' rendition of the Caribs' name for themselves. Columbus, seeking evidence that he was in Asia, thought the name meant the natives were subjects of the Great Khan. The form was reinforced by later writers who connected it to Latin canis "dog," in reference to their supposed voracity.

What is cannibal?


This strong, heat-resistant microfiber is used in applications such as bicycle tires, bulletproof vests, racing sails, and drumheads.

What is Kevlar?


This thrilling word is from the Latin ex-"out, out of; thoroughly" + hilarare "make cheerful," from hilarus "cheerful."

What is exhilarating?


Prost! Salute! Kan-pie! Skawl! Salud! and Gesondheid! are called around the world as folks clink their glasses over a drink. In English, we say this.



The Spanish verbs beber and tomar both mean this.

What is to drink?


Only 199 of this craft, known as the Tin Goose, were built. Introduced in 1926, by 2012 there were only 18 left in existence.

What is Ford Tri-motor?

Often mistaken for a root, this rhizome has a creeping, gnarly, knobby stem that grows sideways, running along the surface of the soil or just below it. Sushi is just not the same without pickled this.

What is ginger?


This silver-gloved songster was looking at the image reflected by the Man in the Mirror, he was asking him to make a change.

Who is Michael Jackson?


Facing starvation and death, survivors of a plane crash in the Andes reluctantly resorted to this. After 72 days on a glacier, 16 of 28 crash survivors were rescued.

What is cannibalism?

Thomas Joseph Cantrell, an Irish apothecary and surgeon, claimed to have invented this beverage in Belfast, Northern Ireland, and marketed it with local beverage manufacturer Grattan and Company. It is also recognized as a Canadian creation by John J. McLaughlin, a chemist and pharmacist.

What is ginger ale?


This early Christian bishop finagled himself into sainthood and is revered by many Christians for the many miracles attributed to him. The patron saint of sailors, archers, repentant thieves, children, brewers, and pawnbrokers, among others, he is also known for his legendary habit of secret gift-giving.

Who is Saint Nick?


Folk singer Pete Seeger played this stringed instrument, which has a thin membrane stretched over a frame or cavity, called the head.

What is the banjo?


This term, possibly an American variant of an English word meaning "to cheat or renege" at cards, may also come from figgle, a phonetic variant of fiddle "fidget about."

What is finagle? 


Susanna was asked not to sob for him, whilst he traveled from Alabama with this on his patella.

What is banjo?


This effect reflects like a mirror, but never shows itself.

What is an echo?


These exhilarating amusement rides are believed to have originated from the "Russian Mountains," specially constructed hills of ice located in the area that is now Saint Petersburg, Russia, which were built to a height of 70-80 feet and reinforced with wooden supports.

What are roller coasters?


This synthetic material, first produced in the 1950s, is finer than one denier per thread; smaller diameter than a strand of silk.

What is microfiber?


In many mammals, the nape is the site of this area, a loose, non-sensitive area of skin by which the mother can carry her young.

What is the scruff of the neck?


Long pig, a translation of a phrase meaning human flesh, was used by Pacific Islanders who practiced this.

What is cannibalism?


This breathy-voiced 1960s sitcom character, a marooned movie star, became a castaway following a disaster involving a three-hour tour . . .  a three hour tour.

Who is Ginger?