Other than Christmas name another holiday celebrated in December?
Hanukkah, Kwanza, Boxing Day
Means someone is lying or exaggerating. (Also tops a bottle)
What is the name of the candle holder used when celebrating Hanukkah?
Which traditional song has a partridge in a pear tree?
The Twelve Days of Christmas
True or False? There is a U.S. city called the North Pole?
True. The city of North Pole is located in Alaska and boasts a population of around 2,300 citizens
What is December's birthstone?
Refers to someone who is good at attracting romantic partners/meeting people. (Also a character in Grease)
What family member was run over by a reindeer?
Are Santa's reindeer Male or Female?
Female. Male reindeer lose their antlers in November, while female reindeer keep their antlers through the winter. Most depictions of Santa’s reindeer show antlers, which means they are female.
The Winter Solstice is celebrated on which day in December?
December 21st
Means amazing, fantastic, lovely, and cool. (You can also drive one)
How many candles are on a menorah?
9 (8 + worker candle)
Which Christmas song holds the Guinness World Record for the best-selling single of all time?
White Christmas
How long is the average growth time for a Christmas tree?
7 years
December is National ____ Month. (Name the fruit)
A term that can mean dominant leader, lone wolf, cool, and popular. (Also a Greek letter)
What is the historical origin of Boxing Day?
A day to give gifts to the less fortunate.
Name three presents requested in Santa Baby?
What U.S. state is home to the town of Santa Claus?
Which famous composer’s birthday is celebrated on December 17th?
Ludwig Van Beethoven
A slang term that can mean good, bad, or cool, and is named after a YouTube series.
Name one principle celebrated during Kwanza?
What U.S. President declared Christmas a National Holiday?
June 24, 1870, President Ulysses S. Grant signed a proclamation