How do you say " Merry Christmas " in Spanish?
Who created the iPhone?
Who is " Steve Jobs "
In Japan, Japanese families eat KFC for Christmas Dinner.
True. Every Christmas, an estimated 3.6 million Japanese families eat at KFC chicken for Christmas. A bucket of KFC chicken has been the go-to dinner for Japan since the 1970s when KFC launched its " Kentucky for Christmas" Campaign.
What character says " You Dense, irritating, miniature beast of burden! "
Who Is " Shrek".
What holiday is celebrated on January 6.
what is " Los Reyes Magos "
How Do You Say " Dessert " In Spanish?
What Is " Postre "
When did World War 2 Start?
The circle shape of the advent wreath signifies continuous life by representing the eternity of God.
" She doesn't even Go Here"
What is "Mean Girls"
According to the Bible, What did the three wise men bring baby Jesus?
Gold, Frankincense and _______.
What is "Myrrh".
How Do You Say " Clothes Hanger" in Spanish?
What is " Gancho"
Where can you find the famous " leaning tower of pisa"
What is "Italy"
humans have 213 bones in the Adult Human Body.
Adult humans have "206" bones in the body
while babies have 270 bones which later grow and fuse into the adult skeleton.
" What, Like it's Hard? "
What Is "Legally Blonde"
What City Was Kevin McCallister's family traveling to for the Holidays in the hit movie, " Home Alone"?
What is "Paris, France."
How do you say " Carpet" in Spanish?
This Famous Female Leader Was The Last Pharaoh Of Egypt.
Who is "Cleopatra"
Gingerbread houses originated in Germany.
True. Gingerbread houses originated in Germany in the 16th Century.
" Help Me, I'm Poor"
What main color is the sweater the grannies gave the Grinch at the celebration.
What is " White / Red "
How Do You Say " Century " in Spanish?
What is " Siglos"
What is the famous island where you can find 887 giant statue heads?
What is "Easter Island"
Candy canes were originally white.
True. A believer and candy cane maker from India decided to add red to candy canes to represent the blood of Christ, and leave the white as a symbol of the purity of the virgin birth and sinless nature of Jesus. Even the shape was made to represent the Shepherd's hook.
" Why Don't You Make Like A Tree And Get Outta Here "
What is the official Christmas flower in North America?
What Is " Poinsettia "