What very famous Football Rivalry is on today Saturday December 9th 2023
Army vs Navy.
This Christmas Movie released in 2019 is also a song by Wham.
Last Christmas.
What brings frosty the snowman to life?
A Magical Hat.
St.Nick is supposed to come on what day?
December 6th.
This is the big guy.
Santa Clause.
When is the last time the Packers played at HOME on Christmas?
2021 against the Cleveland Browns we won 24-22
In this sequel a young boy befriends an old lady feeding birds in the park.
Home Alone 2.
This Classic Christmas song has been criticized and boycotted by some in recent years do to hate culture.
Baby It's Cold Outside.
It takes about who many years to grow the average Christmas tree?
15 years.
Santa Claus is based on what real person?
St. Nikolas of Myra
When is the last time the Packers played on Christmas?
2022 against the Dolphins we won 26-20.
This Christmas classic just got a sequel as of last year.
A Christmas story.
What does “Feliz Navidad” translate to in English?
Happy Christmas.
There are roughly how many thousand ‘rent-a-Santas’ across the United States every year.
The Belén is what.
It is the nativity scene that depicts the birth of Jesus with Mary and Joseph.
When is the last time the Bucks played on Christmas?
2022 we lost to the Celtics 139-118.
The Jelly of the month club is from what Movie?
National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation
“Clark that’s the gift the keeps giving all year long”
This song is number 1 among all Christmas songs according to Billboard.
All I Want For Christmas Is You by Mariah Carey.
About how many Christmas cards are sent in the U.S. each year.
3 Billion
This half-man half-goat is the counterpart to St. Nicholas.
Before 2020 this Wisconsin sports team never played on Christmas.
Wisconsin Badgers Basketball.
This Christmas classic was released 20 years ago in 2003.
What pop Christmas hit was released in 1984 but did not rank in the charts until 2017?
Last Christmas by Wham.
At least how many thousand people are sent to ER over Christmas
Rudolph was almost called what?