who said this quote
''Christmas is the day that holds all time together''
Helen Lowrie
when was the first ornaments made?
when did Santa Claus start
the 19th century
when did the Christmas celebration fist ever start?
the 25th/ 4th century
when did family Christmas traditions start?
18th century
who said this quote
'' but Sir Christmas is the time of giving''
Mickey mouse
when did Christmas become a holiday?
June 28th, 1870
when did opening gifts first start?
when did Christmas tree's start?
the 16th century
when did families know about Christmas?
the early 19th century
Well in Whoville they say that the Grinch's Heart grew three sizes each day who said it
Dr. Suess
when did gift-giving at Christmas start
19th century
when did a potluck first ever start?
the early 1930s
when did Christmas cards start?
when did the famliy Christmas dinner start?
17th century
No one should be alone on Christmas "
Dr. Seuss
when was the first Christmas film made?
when did Christmas ever start?
336 CE
when did Christmas caroling start?
in Rome the 16th cenutry
when did families start using gift bags?
in 1987
Every time a bell rings,an Angel get His wings ''
ZuZu Baliey
when did Secret Santa start?
when did cookie-making first start?
the 16th century
what was the most famous Christmas song ever?
All I want for Christmas is You- by Mariah Carey
when did Christmas chronicles start?
nov.22 2018