The description of the people that Mormon gave his talk to.
What are the peaceable followers of Christ?
The pure love of Christ
What is Charity?
Who said, “ My beloved son, Moroni, I rejoice exceedingly that your Lord Jesus Christ hath been mindful of you, and hath called you to his ministry, and to his holy work”
Who is Mormon?
Not a perfect knowledge in things, but a hope in things which can’t be seen.
What is Faith?
To have Charity you must have these
What is faith and hope?
In Moroni 9, who are deprived and degenerate?
Who are the Nephites and Lamanites?
If you follow Christ you can not be a servant of this.
Who is the Devil?
Without ___________ angels will cease to appear and miracles will cease.
What is Faith?
According to Mormon children are not capable of this
What is Committing sin?
He makes it possible to "lay hold on every good thing".
Who is Jesus Christ?
In Mormon's letter he tells Moroni "if a man have faith he must needs have this.
What is hope?
In Moroni chapter 8, Mormon says this is a mockery to God?
What is Baptism of small children?
What was used as an analogy when Mormon talked about how all good comes from God.
What is a fountain?
Mormon gives credit to this person saying, “ If ye will have faith in me ye shall have power to do whatsoever thing is expedient in me.”
Who is Christ?
Required for those who are accountable and capable of committing sin.
What is repentance and baptism?