They did what?
Random but interesting
People do the darndest things
Hidden talents 'n such
Just the facts

As a teenager, this person drove while UNDER THE INFLUENCE... but was not caught.  (Still kind of swerves around even now)

Who is Kevin


This person believes that Communist Influences have taken over one or both of our political parties.

Who is Dennis


This person is VERY annoying to their spouse.  (They did not specify if this was intentional or not)

  Who is Khalid


This person absolutely refuses to eat snakes or reptiles of any kind.  No matter HOW they are cooked..even with green eggs and ham.

Who is Judi

This person is a seamstress and fashion designer.  Could have gone to Hollywood, but who wants to do that??

Who is Terry


As a teenager, this person was arrested for a misdemeanor trespassing charge.  (Same person also THOUGHT about murdering a neighbor but was not caught)

Who is Michael


Most likely to stop everything for a pit bull.

Who is Terry


This person almost died while hunting for ducks from a canoe in the Tyger River on a freezing winter day. (While wearing a Speedo- I made that part up)

Who is Kevin

This person has many hidden talents- to list only a few: Can takes eggs from chickens and they never notice, has mastered a Ferris Zero Turn (That is a Lawn Mower for those who don't know), has also mastered a string trimmer and can make French beaded flowers.

Who is Tina


This person's Max bench press is 415 pounds! (That equals several of us in a pile)  Same person stated that they are not as smart as Scott...Brawn over brain.

Who is Mike


This person was arrested for breaking and entering into a school.  (I doubt they were after the books in the library-just saying)

Who is Scott

This person believes in ALIENS!  May or may not have been abducted and assimilated.

Who is Khalid

This person has helped to birth lambs, castrated pigs and calves, killed and cooked a goose and accidentally wormed themselves with cattle wormer.

Who is Stacey


When you have a lot of talents, no one keeps track!  This person used to do origami, crochet and fine lettering (otherwise known as grafitti?)  Just kidding.

Who is Linda


This person is deathly afraid of heights.  (do not invite for sky-diving get-to-gethers)

Who is Judi

No one reads those trespassing signs!  Who fished in a "no fishing" pond- more then once or twice....
Who is Dennis

Whose great grandfather was a bootlegger, and grandfather was in a shoot out with police?  (No, grandfather didn't survive, but lucky for us all... it was after having his children)

Who is Stacey

This person has a few nicknames- two of which are: LUCYYYYY!!!!!, and chicken whisperer.

Who is Dee


Who met their spouse at a Bistro in Irmo during a Meetup event?  

Who is Dee (in case anyone was Fred that she met there)  


This person met their spouse at Charles C Bell Elementary School.  (Sort of like a Hallmark movie-but without the Hardware store)

Who is Tina


This person drove a car onto a frozen pond with no safety set up anywhere in sight!

Who is Linda


If you ever need someone to put a puzzle together- this is your GO TO!!  (FYI-Google says that puzzles provide mental exercise, stress relief and an improved mood)

Who is Lisa


Who decided to go hiking in the middle of the dessert in Arizona with no compass or survival gear and very little water.  Then ended up lost and almost died?

Who is Fred


This person dove into a green hole at night with no lights. In case you don't know... this is DANGEROUS!

Who is Scott

Snores like a freight train... is putting it mildly.  (I may be exaggerating, but you can ask a family member for verification)

Who is Lisa