What colour are Santa’s boots?
Finish the lyrics…
” Then one foggy Christmas Eve, Santa come to say…”
“Rudolph with your nose so bright, wont you guide my sleigh tonight“
Who gave birth to Jesus?
In the polar express, who can hear the bell ring?
Only those who truly believe in the spirit of Christmas
An eggplant is a vegetable
How many times does Santa check his list?
Finish the lyrics …
“Tis the season to be jolly….”
What was the name of the angel who came to Mary to tell her she was with child?
Who plays Buddy the elf in the movie “Elf”
Will Ferrell
Where is Area 51 located? (Which state?)
What did the reindeer not let Rudolph play because of his shiny nose?
The reindeer games
Who was kissing Santa Claus?
“I saw……. kissing Santa Claus
Who followed the star to get to Jesus?
the 3 wise men
What is the name of the Grinch‘s dog?
Who invented the telephone?
Alexander Graham Bell
What did Frosty the snowman do when a magic hat was placed on his head?
He began to dance around
What do they want for Christmas?
I want a …. For Christmas!!! A … Will only doooooo…
What was the name of the king who ordered to have Jesus killed when he heard of his birth?
King Herold
In the movie “The Nightmare before Christmas”, what does Jack Skellington call Santa Claus?
Sandy Claws
What is the largest continent in the world?
What movie is shown in these emojis?
“Last Christmas I gave you my heart….”
True or False
Jesus was born in December
False! We don‘t know for sure. It is possibly some time in the spring.
The power went off and their alarms were reset
What is the world’s largest ocean?
The Pacific Ocean