Christmas Songs
Christmas Traditions
Christmas Food
Christmas Movies
Christmas Random

In the song "Jingle Bell Rock" What is the weather like?

What is snowing.


What is the name of the big red-suited man who delivers presents on Christmas Eve?

What is Santa Claus


What kind of sweet treat is shaped like a shepherd's staff and has red and white stripes?

What is a Candy Cane.


In Elf, what is the name of the main character who grew up at the North Pole?

What is Buddy.


In what country did the tradition of decorating Christmas trees originate?

What is Germany.


Finish the lyric from "Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer." "Rudolph, with your nose so bright, won't you guide my ______ tonight."

What is Sleigh.


What do many families in Ontario hang by the fireplace for Santa to fill with treats and small gifts?

What are stockings.


What dessert, often topped with whipped cream, is made from a mix of eggs, milk, sugar, and spices like nutmeg?

What is Eggnog.


In Frosty the Snowman, what makes Frosty come to life?

What is a magical hat.


In the song "The Twelve Days of Christmas," what did my true love give to me on the seventh day?

What is seven swans a swimming.


In "You're a Mean One, Mr. Grinch," what fruit is the Grinch's heart compared to?

What is a rotten banana.


What type of tree is traditionally decorated with lights, ornaments, and a star or angle on top?

What is a Christmas Tree.


In Ontario, what type of pie made with molasses or syrup is a traditional dessert during the holiday season?

What is a butter tart.


In Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, what island does Rudolph visit with misfit toys?

The Island of Misfit Toys.


What is the name of the ballet about a young girl and her toy that comes to life on Christmas Eve?

What is The Nutcracker.


What does Mariah Carey say she doesn't want in "All I Want for Christmas Is You?"

What is presents under the Christmas tree.


In Ontario, what sweet treat is often left out for Santa Claus on Christmas Eve, along with a glass of milk?

What are cookies.


What classic Christmas dinner dish in Canada is often stuffed with bread and herbs before being roasted?

What is turkey.


In How the Grinch Stole Christmas, what is the name of the Grinch's loyal dog?

What is Max.


In A Charlie Brown Christmas, what does Lucy suggest Charlie Brown do to cure his holiday blues?

What is direct the Christmas play.


In "Frosty the Snowman," what item brings Frosty to Life?"

What is an old silk hat.


What popular December event in Ontario features floats, marching bands, and festive characters traveling through city streets.

What is a Santa Claus parade.


What sweet, dense cake made with dried fruits, nuts, and sometimes soaked in rum, is a traditional Christmas dessert for many families?

What is Fruitcake.


In the Polar Express, what special gift does the main boy receive from Santa at the North Pole?

 What is a silver bell from Santa's sleigh.


What is the name of the star that guided the Wise Men to Bethlehem in the Christmas story?

What is The Star of Bethlehem or Christmas Star.