13 is the square root of what number?
What is 169
If Mark has 59 legos and Angelo has 29 legos, how many legos do they have together?
What is 88 legos
The 50th Academy Awards were held in what year? 19 _ _
What is 1978
What is 14 + 19?
What is 33
What is 12 times 5 plus 1?
What is 61
Hundred was derived from the Norse number Hundrath, which means what number?
What is 120
How many birds are gifted in the song The 12 Days of Christmas?
What is 184 birds
What year was the euro introduced as legal currency on the world market? 19 _ _
What is 1 January 1999
How many times is the word “blood” spoken in Shakespeare’s classic play Macbeth?
What is 42
How many characters did Twitter originally restrict tweets to?
What is 140 characters
What is the distance, in millions of miles, that the Sun is from the Earth
What is 93
How many episodes were there in the first season of beloved 1990s sitcom Friends?
What is 24 episodes
How many degrees are there in a circle? 3_ _
What is 360 degrees
Double Jeopardy
How many legs does a centipede have?
What is 100 legs
Double Jeopardy
Einhundertdreiundzwanzig is German for what number?
What is 123
Double Jeopardy
CXXX is Roman Numerals for what number?
What is 130
How much weight can an ant lift?
What is 50 times its weight
Ciento trece is Spanish for what number?
What is 113
Double Jeopardy
What is the 34th prime number?
What is 139
How many numbers excluding zero are there on a roulette wheel?
What is 36 numbers
Richard Nixon was the _ _ th president of the United States.
What is 37th
This year is also the name of a popular WW1 movie. 19_ _
What is 1917
Double Jeopardy
If Lacey has 78 pink flowers, and Andrew has 95 flowers – how many flowers do they have in total?
What is 173
Cent soixante-dix is French for what number?
What is 170
How many rows of stars are there on the American flag?
What is 9 rows