This Christmas carol includes these lines: "The stars in the sky / Look down where He lay / The little Lord Jesus / Asleep on the hay"?
Away in a manger
This fairy tale served as an inspiration for the first gingerbread houses?
Hansel and Gretel
This plant is hung in doorways to signify you to kiss under it.
This the highest grossing Christmas movie of all time.
The grinch who stole Christmas.
The charity Toys for Tots is run by the reserve force of this branch of the U.S. military?
The Marines
Elvis isn’t going to have a white Christmas, what type of Christmas is he going to have?
Blue Christmas
This Popular Christmas Candy was created in Germany. It can often be used to decorate a Christmas tree.
Candy Cane
This country is known to have a tradition of a witch dropping gifts for children through the chimney at Christmas
In the opening scene of A Charlie Brown Christmas, the characters are seen doing this well-known winter activity?
Ice skating.
The first artificial Christmas tree was made in the 19th century using the feathers of this bird
This Christmas Carol was the first song broadcast from Space
Jingle Bells
In the UK, this fruit is put in the stockings of well-behaved children,
This type of bird often appears on Christmas cards?
This is the name of George Bailey’s guardian angel in It’s A Wonderful Life?
Clarence Odbody
In North America, wild reindeer are referred to as this
The Carol of the Drum is the original name for what common day Christmas Carol
The Little Drummer Boy
This drinks manufacturer is said to have popularized Santa’s red and white costume,
In 1933 the first Christmas tree was lit up in what New York City location?
Rockefeller Center
In Home Alone, the McCallisters going on vacation when they leave Kevin behind when visiting this country
This holiday is celebrated the day after Christmas in the UK, Canada, Australia, and other countries?
Boxing Day
The total number of gifts is 364 for what Christmas carol?
The 12 days of Christmas
Eggnog, a Christmas drink, originates from this Country?
This country has the tradition of filling children's clogs with treats and candies on December 5th.
In the movie ELF with Will Farrel, this song was sung in the bathroom with his love interest
Baby it's cold outside.
According to the folklore of Austria and other countries, this horned figure punishes naughty children at Christmastime?