What is the Christmas song about the Reindeer called?
Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer
What does Ashley cook every year for Christmas?
What movie does Ashley watch on Christmas eve?
A Christmas Carol
What day is Christmas on this year?
What comes next?
"Rudolph the red nosed reindeer..."
"Rudolph the red nosed reindeer..."
Had a very shiny nose!
What do we bake for Santa?
Sugar Cookies
What movie does Ashley watch on Christmas Day?
The Polar Express
What is the song about Bells?
Jingle Bells
What hot drink does Ashley have for Christmas?
Egg Nog
What is the movie about the magical train?
The Polar Express
What game does Ashley play every year on Christmas day?
What is Ashley's favourite Christmas song?
Christmas Song
What Christmas treat is never eaten?
Gingerbread House
What is the movie about the 3 Christmas ghosts?
A Christmas Carol