What am I?
Guess what I am
Snow Day

Chris could see the lights from the crack under the door. She knew that when she woke up, the tree would be filled with presents with her name on them. She knew she wouldn't be able to sleep tonight! 

When is this happening?

It is Christmas Eve


People love the smell of me. I can be real or fake. You can hang lights on me. 

What am I?

Christmas tree


You might make this at Christmas
You use cookie, icing and candy

I am shape like a building

You can eat me.
 What am I?

Gingerbread house


Julie has been wanting a new doll for a very long time. She is always playing with her older sister's doll house, but she wants one of her own. On Christmas morning, Julie's parents told her that they had a very special gift for her. Julie ran over to the box and began to unwrap it. Her face lit up with joy! "I can't believe it! I finally have one! This is the best present ever!" exclaimed Julie. What did Julie's parents get her for Christmas?



With her nose pressed up against the oven, Mary could see the treats taking shape. She couldn’t wait for them to cool and decorate them with red and green sprinkles and blue snowflakes! What did she make?



You don’t wear me on your feet, but that might confuse some people.  I am often filled with lots of toys and goodies on Christmas morning.  You might find me near a fireplace. 

What am I? 

a Christmas Stocking


I am an animal, I am brown, I have antlers. I drive Santa's sleigh. What am I?

a reindeer


Maria and Jacob are brother and sister. This year they will be singing a song together in the Christmas concert at their school. They are so excited to sing and have been practicing for weeks! Maria is afraid that she will mess up and she doesn't want to mess up because her parents will be in the crowd. When it was time for Maria and Jacob's song, they did wonderful! After the show, their parents ran up to them and gave them each a great big hug! "You two did great," said Mom. "I am so proud of you!" said Dad. How did the performance go? How do they feel?

It went well

They feel happy, proud


Tim could hear the sound of holiday music coming from outside his front door. He pulled the curtain back to see a group of people with song books. He opened the door and watched. What is happening?

People were caroling/singing Christmas songs


I come in many colors, so beautiful and bright, I turn so many houses into a beautiful sight. What am I?

Christmas lights


You put me on your feet. I can make you go fast on ice! What am I?

Ice skates


Julie and her mom were baking cookies. It was getting late, so Julie went to bed before the cookies were finished. Julie's mom told her that she would take the cookies from the oven in exactly 30 minutes. Julie's mom sat down to read a book. An hour later, she jumped up from her chair and said, "Oh, no! The cookies!" What happened?

She forgot the cookies were in the oven and they burned.


It's Christmas Eve morning and your mom asks you to clean your room. Why might you have to clean your room?

you have family or friends coming to visit


I am made of two colors
And I look just like a hook
You can give me a lick
But I am not something you cook 

What am I?

Candy Cane


I can capture moments and memories! Say cheese! What am I?



Rick was standing in the long line. He was so anxious for his turn. As he waited, he went over his list in his head. He didn't want to forget anything. He knew exactly what he wanted for Christmas this year and he could not stop smiling! He noticed that all of the other children in line were just as happy. When it was finally his turn, he ran over and said, "I want a toy truck for Christmas!" Where was Rick?

at a mall or shopping center visiting Santa Claus


There are ornaments, lights and a star on the table. Your mom asks the family to come to the living room. What do you think you are going to do?

decorate a Christmas tree


I am round. I can be hung on a front door for Christmas time.

What is this?



I am a pet. You need to give me food and water everyday. I love to play! What am I?



Marcus was writing his Christmas list for Santa. "When you are finished make sure you put your list somewhere safe. Our new puppy will tear it up!" said Mom. When Marcus was finished he left his list in the middle of the floor and went to get ready for bed. What happens next?

the puppy tore up his Christmas list