The one in the straw
Who is baby Jesus
A furry monster who harasses a peaceful town
What is The Grinch about?
A large life form that people kill and leave to sit in their homes
What is a Christmas Tree?
A song about incessant ringing
What is Jingle Bells?
A track-following little toy
What is a toy train?
Those old Persian dudes
Who were the magi?
A seemingly mentally challenged man who wanders the city in tights
What is Elf about?
Articles of clothing that people leave to hang over flames
What are stockings?
A song 'bout happiness for the general population
What is Joy to the World?
A furry version of a animal that can maul people
What is a teddy bear?
Those stinky things that follow the stinky people
What are sheep?
A movie where two grown men get the tar beat out of 'em by a minor
What is Home Alone?
A senior citizen who frequently breaks into people's homes
Who is Santa?
A song 'bout dancing around a large life form
What is Rocking Around the Christmas Tree?
A controllable little thingy that you can hit people with (if you get it to go fast enough)
What is an RC car?
The age widely believed to be the age Jesus was when the Magi arrived
How old is two?
A child steals his father's credit card and lives in New York city for a bit
What is Home Alone 2 about?
You sit around and stare slack-jawed at a flashing screen
How do you watch Christmas movies?
A song about the absence of noise and light
What is Silent Night?
A rearrangeable square-shaped toy
What is a rubiks cube?
That old mute guy who didn't believe
Who was Zechariah?
A couple of kids mess up Santa's night and then try to help him out
What happens in Christmas Chronicles?
A German tradition that involves vegetables in a tree
What is the Christmas pickle?
A song that frequently re-asks the exact same question in several different ways and never leaves time for an answer
What is Mary Did You Know?
A bunch of small objects that people can hurt their feet on
What is Lego?