"What's this?"
This movie, directed by Henry Selick and composed by Danny Elfman, is in the middle of a biannual (x2/year) custody battle between two holidays; being claimed by both as "obviously" their movie.
What is 'The Nightmare Before Christmas'?
"It's tiiiiime!!"
She's got her two front teeth, now all she wants for Christmas....is you!
Who is Mariah Carey?
Enough is never enough!
This delicacy is usually consumed in large quantities during Christmas breakfast, and grazed on for the rest of the day.
What are sausage balls?
Twice the reason to celebrate!
This family member, who holds the title for 'Most Legendary Christmas Party Host', recently had a birthday!
Who is Mimmy?
Kris Kringle himself!
This person is credited as the first depiction of Santa Clause.
Who is Saint Nicholas of Bari?
(Saint Nicholas, Nicholas the Wonderworker, & Saint Nick also acceptable.)
It's not that bad
These sweet treats, sometimes referred to as "bricks", are a controversial holiday favorite of only two people currently in the room.
What are fruit cakes?
Playing at your local supermall!
This band released their Christmas classic, 'Last Christmas', in 1984.
Who are 'Wham!'
{x2 Points}
"Yippee Ki-Yay!"
Due to this movie being literally set during Christmas it IS, in fact, a Christmas movie
What is 'Die Hard'?