You're a Wizard, Harry
Finish That Lyric
As Seen on House M.D.
Musical Visuals
Classic Christmas Films

In the Forbidden Forest, the centaurs Ronan and Bane remark that this planet is especially bright that night.



And I think it's gonna be a long, long time/'Til touchdown brings me 'round again to find/I'm not the man they think I am at home…

I’m a Rocket Man,/Burning out his fuse up here alone


Alexander Hamilton befriends Dr. House in a psych ward in season six.

Lin-Manuel Miranda


Abandoned by his family, an 8 year old is forced to provide for himself and learns that burglars are planning to break into his house. Rather than calling the police he decides to defend his home, and in doing so he commits many acts of violence against the two bumbling robbers.

Home Alone


Professor Umbrage forces Harry to write this phrase during his detentions with her.

"I must not tell lies"


Oh, won't you take me home tonight?/Oh, down beside your red firelight/Oh, and you give it all you got…

Fat bottomed girls you make the rockin’ world go ‘round


Darth Vader was a controversial African politician in the season six episode, The Tyrant.

James Earl Jones


A recluse living at the edge of a small town seeks revenge for his childhood trauma, and disrupts the traditional annual observance through widespread theft and intimidation. However, after witnessing the community's resiliency despite his destruction and suffering a pulmonary event, he returns the stolen property is welcomed back into the community.

How the Grinch Stole Chirstmas


This is the answer to the Sphynx’s riddle in the maze during the Tri-Wizard Tournament.

A spider


Can't you feel them circling, honey?/Can't you feel them swimming around?

You got fins to the left, fins to the right/And you're the only bait in town


After a Crash Into Him as a child, a pianist savant starts losing his ability to play in the episode Half-Wit.

Dave Matthews


A divorced father trying to reconnect with his son witnesses a man fall to his death from his roof. The father assumes the dead mans identity and is swept into running his world-wide export empire.

The Santa Clause


He replaces the Fat Lady as the Gryffendor common room entrance portrait.

Sir Cadogan


Here come old flat-top, he come groovin' up slowly/He got ju-ju eyeball, he one holy roller/He got hair down to his knee

Got to be a joker, he just do what he please


Brooklyn's finest, Captain Holt, changed careers to be Dr. Daryl Nolan in season six

Andre Braugher


An orphan, raised by an insulated community that bullies him for being an outsider, sets off on a trip to find his birth father. Unequipped to handle outside society, he's left to his own devices in a city of 8.4 million people. After a cold first meeting with his father, he convinces his dad to quit his job and follow the ways of the community where his son was raised.



Before Dumbledore, this person also drank the potion in the Horcrux cave.

Regulus Black


And if you don't love me now/You will never love me again/I can still hear you saying

You would never break the chain


While singing an ABBA song about her dad(s), Sophie crashes a Porsche when her boyfriend starts coughing up blood in season one.

Amanda Seyfried


A young child with seasonal depression takes the advice of his therapist to direct his school's theatre production of the nativity play. He recruits his friends; a philosopher, a piano prodigy, a narcissist, his loud-spoken older sister, a sanitarily-challenged boy, and his dog, to help him despite the drooping tree decorating the set.

A Charlie Brown Christmas