Names of Jesus

This traditional Christmas hymn, often sung during candlelight services, was composed in Austria in 1818 and became famous for its association with Christmas Eve worship.

What is Silent Night?

This animal, whose blood was used to protect the Israelites during the Exodus as described in Exodus 12, is seen as a precursor to the sacrificial role of Christ.

What is the Passover lamb?


This name means "God with us" and is given to Jesus in Matthew 1:23.

What is Immanuel?


This theological term refers to the doctrine that God the Son became fully human.

What is the Incarnation?


This 1965 animated special features a reading of Luke 2:8-20.

What is "A Charlie Brown Christmas"?


During the Franco-Prussian War, a French soldier began singing “Cantique de Noël” in his trench, leading German soldiers to join in. This moment of unity between the opposing sides, marked by alternating carols and hymns, is associated with this Christmas carol, known for its powerful message about the birth of Christ.

What is O Holy Night?


These animals are traditionally depicted in Nativity scenes alongside Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, though they are not mentioned in the Gospel accounts.

What are oxen, donkeys, camels, and sheep?


In the context of Jesus' birth and nativity, this title reflects His role as the anticipated anointed deliverer foretold by the prophets.

What is Messiah?


This Gospel writer begins his account with a focus on the pre-existence of Christ and the Incarnation.

Who is Apostle John?


This 1950 novel by this British author features a land cursed to be always winter and never Christmas.

The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis.


This hymn writer composed Hark! The Herald Angels Sing; Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus, and Love Divine, All Loves Excelling.

Who is Charles Wesley?


In Genesis 8:11, this bird was sent out from Noah's Ark and returned with an olive branch, symbolizing peace and a new beginning; the animal is also linked to the Holy Spirit, often depicted in Christmas imagery as a symbol of the peace Christ brings to the world.

What is a dove?


Jesus shares the same Hebrew name as this Old Testament figure. 

Who is Joshua?


The theological term threefold office of Christ describes the belief that Jesus fulfilled the role of these three offices into one person.

What is prophet, priest, and king?


This author wrote the 1843 novella A Christmas Carol, which includes themes of redemption and generosity and has been adapted into films, plays, and musicals.

Who is Charles Dickens?


This carol focuses on the meaning of Christ's coming, with the lines, "Born that man no more may die, born to raise the sons of earth."

What is Hark! The Herald Angels Sing?


These two biblical references are connected through their depiction of a cosmic struggle involving a serpent, with one describing the early promise of salvation and the other portraying the final conflict between good and evil related to the birth of Christ.

What is Genesis 3 and Revelation 12?


The prophecy in Isaiah 9:6 includes these names for Jesus.

What is wonderful counselor, might God, everlasting father, and prince of peace?


This doctrine asserts that Jesus is both fully God and fully man, a central tenet of orthodox Christianity.

What is hypostatic union?


In the 1946 classic film It's a Wonderful Life, George Bailey learns about the value of his life with the help of this guardian angel.

Who is Clarence?


Ancient Christian texts known as the O Antiphons, used in the liturgical services leading up to Christmas, are the basis for this hymn.

What is O Come, O Come Emmanuel?


In Isaiah 11:6, this animal is mentioned as being part of the peaceful kingdom prophesied by Isaiah, often associated with the imagery of Christ's future reign.

What is a lion?


This is the meaning of the name Jesus.

What is "Yahweh saves" or "God is salvation"?


The term homoousios, which refers to the belief that Jesus is “true God from true God” and affirms His full divinity, is a doctrine expressed in this creed.

What is the Nicene creed?


This story by Greensboro native O. Henry explores themes of love and sacrifice during Christmas, featuring a couple who give up their most treasured belongings.

What is The Gift of the Magi?