What are the names of the three wise men?
Who is: Caspar, Melchior, and Balthazar.
About how old was Mary when she had Jesus?
About fifteen years old.
What does the word Bethlehem mean?
What did the three wise men bring to Jesus?
What was: Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh.
What was the name of the angel that visited Mary?
Who was: Gabriel
What was Jesus' cradle made of?
A manger.
What did the angel tell the wise men to do after they saw king Herod?
The angle said not to go the same way they came so that Herod couldn't get Jesus.
What did the angle tell Mary at the Annunciation?
She was going to have Jesus.
Why did the holy family go to Bethlehem?
Joseph had to be enrolled.
What is Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh.
Gold is a yellow precious metal. Frankincense is a rubbery bark that can be turned into a religious smoke. Myrrh is an oil used is burials.
Who did Mary marry?
who was: Joseph
Was Jesus' birthday on Christmas?
No, it was actually sometime in Spring though no one knows exactly when.