The start of Christmas we do what??This get's us in the spirit
Decorate the tree and hang lights
Big fat man who drops off gifts
Made by Mariah Carey?? A song everyone knows
All I want for Christmas
He was the leader of all and was different
what day is Christmas
dec 25
We watch this leading up till the day of Christmas
Christmas movies
This goes on the top of the tree
Arianna Grande made a song that goes like ***** **** me (Don't make me fall in love again
If he won't be here next year )
santa tell me
The lover who spreads music
why is christmas important
Jesus birthday
We loving the spirit of making and eating these !!!
Baking Cookies
A green tree
Christmas tree
who is coming to town
santa clause is coming to town
Santa speedy Raindeer
who is the father of christmas
Music that we sing in the Christmas spirit is ??
Christmas Carols
Santa helpers
elf and raindeer
vey quite night
silent night
Santa dances with him
how many raindeers do santa have
What makes everyone happy on the day of Christmas??
Exchanging Gifts
cookie everyone eats that brown
A new song Justin Bieber made for Christmas??
the naughtiest Raindeer
why is it called christmas
the mass of christ