A sock that is usually not worn, but hung up.
Finish this song: Frosty the snowman, he was a _ _ _.
Jolly Happy Soul
In what movie did the grumpy main character own a dog named Max?
The Grinch
Santa has a magic _ that allows him to enter houses without a chimney.
A shepherd’s staff was used to shape this delicious Christmas treat.
Candy Cane
100 years ago, Christmas trees were lit with _ instead of lights.
This well known Christmas song was originally made for the Thanksgiving holiday.
Jingle Bells
What beverage was served to the children on the train in The Polar Express?
Hot Chocolate
This famous soda company is responsible for today’s standard Santa appearance.
Crow’s milk is a famous Christmas alcoholic beverage. Another name for it is _.
Besides Pine, traditional Christmas trees are usually made out of _.
Spruce or Fir
Every year this song makes an estimate of 3 million dollars for the singer.
All I Want For Christmas is You
What was the evil ice queen’s name in Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer?
Santa has a special postal zip code in this country.
In Japan, this famous fast food chain is flocked with customers on Christmas day.
This Christmas decoration was once banned in the United States.
A blind Puerto Rican made this famous Christmas song.
Feliz Navidad
This movie was based on a famous Charles Dickens book.
Scrooge: A Christmas Carol
People are unsure if Santa lives in the North Pole or _.
_ crackers were first introduced around Christmastime in 1902. The string on the box was originally intended to be used to hang the boxes on Christmas trees.
This Christmas door decoration used to be a symbol of victory and power in Ancient Greece and Rome.
This classic Christmas song was the first song played into space.
Jingle Bells
The 7 doors in the Nightmare Beforehand Christmas are: Christmas, Easter, Thanksgiving, St. Patrick’s Day, Valentine’s Day, Halloween, and _.
4th of July / Independence Day
Santa Claus is almost _ years old.
This exotic, long tailed, and colorful bird used to be the mainstay of Medieval Christmas feasting. It is also the national bird of India.