What is Lucas favorite part of Christmas dinner
ule log
How many ornaments does Luca have with 2015 On them
What did Luca get nonna this christmas
a Rudolph ornament
what is the magic season where the eldrazi come to zendikar
zendikar rising
Does Dominick the donkey pull Santa’s sleigh
What do you call the things we pull apart at christmas dinner
What scene from Christmas story do we have in ornament form
where he licks the flagpole
What Pokémon card did graeme get Luca last year
charizard/charizard dark Tera
What form of healing does Luca have a book on
What powers do elves have
all of them
What 2 fudges do we make for Christmas dinner
Eggnog and chocolate
What Pokémon ornament do we have
what is the name of the sword/blob in the lego set Luca got this year
z blob
What delayed Gandalf in the meme of lord of the rings
a rave
What is the currency of elves
they dont have one
What is their suposted to be none of at the dinner table
What is the name of the ornament that dispenses hersheys
What’s on the hot water bottle Devyn got Luca this year
a bear
What are 2 other names for orcs
orukai and oruk
What is crisp and cringles favorite food
spaghetti with syrup
What is Lucas favorite part of the ule log
the cream
What is Lucas newest ornament that he didn’t get on christmas
a skunk
Luca got a snorlax plushy this year how long is a snorlax nap
364 days
Why do the people in white Christmas fake being engaged
because they think the sister wont get involved with the guys friend till the other sister gets maried
How is the naughty/nice list organized
by where Santa goes first