Christmas Food Traditions Around the World
Best Christmas Movies of All time
Favorite Christmas Symbols
Christmas Carols
Christmas Wildcard
  • The festive dish created by Chef Paul Prudhomme which featured a deboned chicken inside a deboned duck inside a deboned turkey?

What is a Turducken?


The "Citizen Kane" of Christmas films, though in this case, most everyone has seen Jimmy Stewart's heavenly journey. Akin to the Scrooge model in its focus on the significance of second chances, with a man being shown how bad life would have been if he had not been born, this thing will straight-up pull the Christmas spirit kicking and screaming out of you.

What is “It’s a Wonderful Life?, 1946?


According to an American Association, about 95 million households in the U.S. will use this symbol this year. The tradition can be traced back to Germany in the 16th century. This symbol first appeared in 1851 in New York and first appeared in the White House in 1889.

What is The Christmas Tree?


This song was originally written as a song for Thanksgiving.  Somewhere down the way, it became a Christmas carol, and we’re all the better for it: It’s upbeat, fun, and instantly recognizable. It’s one of the most popular songs ever, and it was even the first song broadcast from space. And if it’s good enough for space, it’s good enough for me.

What is "Jingle Bells"?


In the song “Frosty the Snowman,” this item made Frosty come to life

What is An old silk hat?


The potato pancakes that are fried in oil and served during the Hanukkah celebration in Israel.

What are Latkes?


For our money, the closest this century we've had to an honest-to-goodness holiday classic. Will Ferrell has one of his best roles as a naive overgrown kid who finds out he's actually human, and the high jinks that follow when he's introduced to "civilization" are filled with heart, humor and childlike wonder.

What is “Elf”, 2003


This symbol has been used by different cultures for various reasons over the centuries: the Greeks used them like trophies to athletes and the Romans wore them as crowns. Northern Europeans began the tradition in the 16th century. The circular shape, one without an end, also came to symbolize eternity and the Christian concept of everlasting life.

What is The Wreath?


This rousing melody echoes the music of Georg Friedrich Handel, it’s one of the most singable and popular carols of all time. On repeat listening, it does sound a bit square, but the pep and positivity is downright infectious.

What is "Joy to the World"?


This recent holiday fad, has a “spy” hiding around the house, reporting back to Santa on who has been naughty and nice.

What is The Elf on the Shelf?


This dessert is a key Christmas tradition in England, Ireland and some parts of the US. It goes by many names.  Primarily made of suet, egg, molasses, spices and dried fruits and often set alight with brandy immediately before serving.

What is Christmas pudding, figgy pudding, plum pudding, ‘pud’?


Heck yeah, this is a Christmas movie, just in case there was any doubt. And sorry, Santa, no one squeezes through tight spaces in a building to get the job done – in the case of this classic action film, thwarting terrorists and saving his estranged wife – none better than the star actor!

What is “Die Hard”, 1988


This tradition dates back thousands of years. The symbol’s connection with romance began with the Celtic Druids who saw this as a symbol of fertility. No one's exactly sure how this tradition made its way into Christmas celebrations, but by the Victorian Era it was included in holiday celebrations and said to bring good fortune.

What is Mistletoe?


Played in a minor key, the sadness somehow works: conjuring images of icicles glistening in the winter sun, or dark streets covered in fresh snow. This carol can even get a little jazzy, almost like a tragic ballad sung by gentlemen in a smoky nightclub.

What is "God Rest ye Merry Gentlemen"?


In 1981, Bob and Doug McKenzie released their own version of a of this classic Christmas song.

What is "The Twelve Days of Christmas"?


Often seen in the windows of European bakeries, this festive dessert features puffs of choux pastry piled into a cone wand bound with threads of caramel

What is Croquembouche?


Among the various "traditional" versions of the Charles Dickens classic including The Muppet version to the excellent George C. Scott TV movie – this one cuts right to the dark tones of the original text, with Alastair Sim living through an insightful horror film to come out the other side as a better man.

What is “A Christmas Carol”, 1951


Many enjoy this popular song. The first known version appeared in a children's book called Mirth With-out Mischief in 1780. In 1909, Frederic Austin, a British composer, wrote the version that's still popular today

Wha is The 12 Days of Christmas


A favorite of many, this carol, which was written in France to celebrate the renovation of a local church organ, is super inspiring. Weirdly enough, it’s been used in Christmas episodes on both Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip and 30 Rock, both sitcoms of 2006.

What is "O Holy Night"?


In the early 1800s, the first gingerbread houses were reportedly inspired by this famous fairy tale.

What is "Hansel and Gretel"?

  • The French name for the genoise sponge roll decorated to resemble a branch or
  • Yule Log –The Yule log is a wood log that was traditionally carried into the home, sprinkled with wine, and then burned on Christmas Eve. In the 1940s when the practice started to disappear, this dessert took up the mantle.

What is Buche de Noel?


Anybody who's ever tried entirely too hard during the holidays can empathize with Clark Griswold (Chevy Chase) and his hilarious battles to decorate his house, deal with wacko relatives – we all to have our own Cousin Eddie– and have the merriest Christmas imaginable, with himself often acting as his greatest foe.

What is “National Lampoons Christmas Vacation”, 1989?


This tradition has its roots in posset, an old British cocktail of milk curdled with spiced sherry or brandy. For the settlers in America though, the ingredients were expensive and hard to come by, so they created their own cheaper version with homemade rum. This was popular from the start and George Washington loved it.

What is Eggnog?


Double Jeopardy Question

The Guinness Book of Records has named this song as not only the best-selling Christmas song of all time, but also the best-selling single generally of all time, with an estimated 50 million copies sold.

What is "White Christmas"?


This animated 2004 film is about a train that carries kids to the North Pole on Christmas Eve

What is "the Polar Express"?