The most recorded Christmas song of all time
What is "Silent Night"
Popular Christmas decoration that is used to crack nuts
What is A Nutcracker
Mr. Scrooge's first name in "A Christmas Carol"
Who is Ebenezer
Alcohol used to "spike" eggnog
What is Rum
Grinch's dog's name
what is Max
Number of ghosts that show up in A Christmas Carol
What is four. Former business partner Jacob Marley, and the spirits of Christmas Past, Present, and Future
The Christmas song the plastics perform to in the movie, 'Mean Girls'
What is "Jingle Bell Rock" by Bobby Helms
The country eggnog originated in
What is England
This is the best way to spread Christmas cheer
What is Singing loud for all to hear
The two most popular Christmas colors after red and green
what are Gold and Silver
Ralphie's little brother's name in 'A Christmas Story'
what is Randy
The first rule in the Code of Elves in the movie, 'Elf'
What is Treat everyday like Christmas
Christmassy song played at the end of the 1988 film "Die Hard"
What is "Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow!" By Sammy Cahn and Jule Styne
Kids in Sweden leave this for Santa on Christmas Eve night
What is coffee
Name 3 of Santa's reindeer's names that begin with the letter "D"
Who is Dasher, Dancer, Donner?
Where people use the greeting "Mele Kalikimaka"
what is Hawaii
In the episode of Friends "The One with the Holiday Armadillo", s/he dresses up as an armadillo
Who is Ross Geller
This Christmas song was actually written for Thanksgiving.
What is Jingle Bells?
This is given on the 7th day of Christmas in The Twelve Days of Christmas song
What is Seven Swans a-swimming?
The country that started the tradition of putting up a Christmas tree
What is Germany
Number of reindeer in the story "T'was the Night Before Christmas"
What is eight?
This U.S. State was the first to officially recognize Christmas as a holiday. Bonus points if you know the year.
what is Alabama
"Miracle on 34th Street" centers on this department store
What is Macy's?
Country that has the tradition of filling children's clogs with candy and treats on December 5th
What is The Netherlands?
Name of snowman in the song "Winter Wonderland"
What is Parson Brown?
Traditional Christmas decoration that is actually a parasitic plant
What is Mistletoe?
This popular miniature character who checks on kids for Santa is sometimes posed for memes
What is the Elf on a Shelf
Santa's suit color until Coca Cola rebranded him in red
what is green
Three words that best describe the Grinch
What is Stink, Stank, Stunk
3 Most common sides for Christmas dinner
What is Green bean casserole, mashed potatoes and gravy, baked ham
Best selling Christmas single of all time
What is "White Christmas" by Bing Crosby
Amount of time it take for a tree to reach the average, ideal "Christmas tree" height
What is 15 years?
Two famous animated snowmen
who are Frosty and Olaf?
Color of Mistletoe berries?
what is White
Christmas movie in which Tom Hanks plays 6 of the characters
200 Bonus points: Name 3 of the characters
What is The Polar Express
He plays Hero Boy (adult voice), Hero Boy's father, Conductor, Hobo, Scrooge puppet, and Santa Claus
"And on every street corner, you hear," what?
What is Silver bells?
When do the twelve days of Christmas start?
What is Christmas Day
First year that the Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree was put up
What is 1933
Name of the little boy in Charles Dickens's A Christmas Carol who said: "Merry Christmas, one and all!"
Who is Tiny Tim
The type of trees most commonly used as Christmas Trees (2)
Coniferous or Evergreen (fir)
The 4 food groups elves can eat, according to Buddy the Elf
what is candy, candy canes, candy corn, and syrup?
Candy canes originated in this country
What is Germany?
Beach Boys song that features Santa's sleigh as a Nordic hot rod?
What is "Little Saint Nick"?
The modern Santa Clause is mainly a mix of these two figures
Who are Saint Nicholas and Father Christmas?
This Christmas themed ballet features the "Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy"
What is The Nutcracker?
Item that is traditionally hidden inside a Christmas pudding
What is a coin?
Number of lights on the Griswold's house in "National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation”
what are 25,000?
Fruit is traditionally put inside Christmas Stockings
What is Orange or Tangerine?
The original title for The Little Drummer Boy
What is Carol of the Drum?
As the clock chimes midnight to ring in the New Year, a Spanish tradition involved eating this - one for each chime
What is Grapes?
In Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, the Dursley's gift Harry this for Christmas
Who is a 50-pence piece?
The year Christmas was first celebrated on Dec. 25th
what is 336 AD?
Kevin was eating this when the Wet Bandits hit his house at 9:00 pm
what is Macaroni and cheese?
This author wrote the famous Christmas story about the grumpy Ebeneezer Scrooge
Who is Charles Dickens?
Number of gifts given in total in "The Twelve Days of Christmas" song
What is 364?
Original Latin meaning of the French word "Noel," often used around Christmas
What is 'to be born'?
The movie the Grinch is based on a story by this famous author
Who is Dr. Seuss?
Your star sign if you are born on Christmas Day
What is Capricorn?
2 people that helped Rudolph after he left the North Pole
Bonus 200 points if you can Name this movie
Who are Hermey the Elf and Yukon Cornelius?
What is Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer?
A reindeer is also known as this in North America
What is a caribou?