Elvis Presley sings about this color of of Christmas.
What is a Blue Christmas?
You should do this underneath the mistletoe.
What is give a kiss?
In "A Christmas Carol", this was the first ghost to appear to Scrooge.
What is The Ghost of Christmas Past?
In the song ' The 12 Days of Christmas' what is the gift on the first day?
What is a partridge in a pear tree?
Novel -Long Way Down - What floor does Will start on his journey down the elevator?
What is the 8th floor?
This popular drink is only available around Christmas.
What is Egg Nog?
Who Plays Buddy the Elf in the Elf movies?
Will Farrell
If you were naughty, you may receive this on Christmas Day?
A lump of coal
What is a word that means something is bigger, worse, or more important than it really is...starts with E
What is exaggerates?
All I want for Christmas is two of these.
What is My Two Front Teeth?
Santa's real name is this.
What is Kris Kringle?
Who plays the kid in HOme Alone?
Who is Macaulay Culkin?
The food kids leave out for Santa is cookies and milk. What do you leave out for a reindeer?
What is Carrots?
What words means to end something completely? Starts with A
What is abolish?
It's fun to ride in this as we jingle all the way.
What is a one horse open sleigh?
What can you put in Cocoa around Christmas to make it mint flavor?
What is a candy cane?
The name of the rabbit in the magic hat in "Frosty the Snowman"
Who is Hocus Pocus?
Which fairy tale was the first gingerbread houses inspired by?
What is Hansel and Gretel?
What is the word that means do something on purpose or decide ahead of time to do it? Starts with D
What is deliberate?
The gingerbread house came from this country.
What is Germany?
How many Home Alone movies are there?
a word that means to inform incorrectly
What is misinform?