Bumps and Bruises
TV Shows
Finish the Christmas lyrics

This person has a scar on their arm from a younger sibling taking a bite while visiting the Magic House. 

Who is Stephanie? 


Name the make, model and year was the car Dad drove Mom to the hospital to have Steve in 1987? 

What is 1975 Pontiac Firebird?


This year "Bob's Burgers" first aired on FOX.

What is 2011?


This person went on a trip to Colorado with Grandma Marge. 

Who is Andy? 


I'll be home for Christmas if---

Only in my dreams


This person suffered from a broken collarbone. 

Who is Max? 


Which couple each owned and shares the love for the mid 90's Maxima?

Who is Steve and Stephanie?


This family lost all of their money and caused to move to Schitt's Creek to rebuild their lives. 

Who are the Rose's? 


This person was bitten by horseflies while swimming in the campground swimming pool. 

Who is TJ? 


You know Dasher & Dancer, and Prancer---

What is and Vixen, Comet and Cupid?


What grade was Morgan in when she tripped over an untied shoelace during the mile run causing her to crack her head on the asphalt, she was begging for no stitches so the doctor glued it instead? 

What is 1st grade? 


This car was victimized by its owner, causing an injury to Josh.

What is the black Infinity.


These three dog shows entertain the granddaughters gaining their full attention. 

What are Paw Patrol, Bluey and Blues Clues?


This destination was on the nothwest coast, holding the heart of this person for PAX conventions. 

Who is Steve?


When they found her Christmas morning, at the scene of the attack, there were hoof prints on-----

What is her forehead? 

Grandma Gor Run over by a Reindeer


What injury did Gimpy, aka Steve, have in high school leaving him to have this nickname for eternity? 

What is a hamstring injury?


Instead of a key, this kind of candy opened the back of the classis Suburban owned by mom and dad? 

What is the stick to a tootsie roll pop?


This show has aired for 25 years and still going, it is one of the highest rated crime show dram. 

What is La2 & Order:SUV

Josh and Morgan went to St. Lucia, luckily they spoke English. In addition to English what is the other language spoken there? 

What is Creole or French Creole? 


On the eleventh day of Christmas, my true love gave to me----

What is eleven piper piping?


This piece of furniture broke TJ's fall from the top bunk bed. 

What is a chest of drawers?


This person was so excited to shop at Target, the car was left running in the parking lot. Luckily, the car was still there when the shopper returned with the purchases. 

Who is Ally?


Jeopardy is loved by many, but watched daily by these three households .

Who are mom and dad, Josh and Morgan and Aunt Rose?


In addition to Andy losing his glasses in D.C., mom lost this at the airport, it was returned about two weeks later. 

What is her wallet?


In fields where they lay---

What is tending their sheep?