
•According to some historians, the first documented ____________ _________ appeared in 1441 on the Market Square of Tallinn.

•What was it?

Christmas Tree


•The first thousand of these appeared on shelves in 1843, and because they cost just a penny a piece, they became very popular and a new Christmas tradition was born.

• What are they?

Christmas cards


Question 1

•Every Christmas season an estimated 3.6 million _____________ families order a dinner in KFC. Daily sales at some restaurants during the Christmas period can be 10 times more than usual and getting the KFC special Christmas dinner often requires ordering it weeks in advance.

•Which country has such high regard for KFC?



•One of the best-known and commonly sung American songs in the world, was published under the title "One-_____ Open _________" in the autumn of 1857. Although originally intended for the Thanksgiving season and having no connection to Christmas, it became associated with Christmas music and the holiday season in general many years  after it was first performed in Boston in 1857.

Jingle Bells; One-Horse Open Sleigh


•A New York Cop saves a Christmas Party from a group of robbers pretending to be terrorists.

•Bonus question + 100 points: the year of release (+/- 2 years)

Die Hard; 1988


•The very traditional Christmas greeting ‘Merry Christmas’  became the first ever ………… ……………………. on December 3d, 1992.

•Fill in the two missing words

Text message


•Based on the 1823 poem "A Visit from St. Nicholas" (commonly called "The Night Before Christmas"), they are called Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner and Blitzen. There is one more, whose name is most well-known.

•Who are they?

Santa's reindeer


•Which Christmas dish is often made in the UK 4-5 weeks before Christmas?

•Bonus 200 points: how much money used to be traditionally put in it?

•Christmas (plum) pudding;

•a six-pence. 


This famous Christmas song was first performed in Oberndorf bei Salzburg, 1818. Soldiers of fighting armies in the First World war famously sang it together during Christmas Truce in Belgium and France in 1914.

Silent Night (Stille Nacht)


•In this Christmas hit Kevin gives Harry and Marv a very hard time, although his chances did not look very good.

•Bonus question + 100 points: the year of release (+/- 2 years)

Home alone; 1990


•It is located in the Indian Ocean, around 350 kilometres (220 mi) south of Java and Sumatra and around 1,550 kilometres (960 mi) from the closest point in Australia, to which it belongs, nevertheless. Captain William Mynors sailed past it on 25 December 1643 and gave it a name.

• Which name?

Christmas Island


•In Western Ukraine they decorate houses for Christmas with artificial copies of something most housewives usually try to make sure they sweep away when they clean the flat. What do they use?

Spider webs


•The Belgian cougnou is a brioche-type bread baked in the form of which gift-bringer?

•baby Jesus


•A popular Christmas song, recorded by a married couple, has a second title War Is Over

•Bonus question + 100 points: name BOTH singers

•Bonus question + 200 points: name the year of release (+/-2 years)

John Lennon/Yoko Ono



•A boy gets a new Christmas present and accedentally releases a horde of mischievous monsters on a small town preparing for Christmas. 

•Bonus question + 100 points: the year of release (+/- 2 years)




•This town 10 km south of Jerusalem is very important for Christmas tradition. After first Christians created a holy site there, the town was destroyed during the 2nd century; its rebuilding was promoted by Empress Helena, mother of Constantine the Great, who commissioned the building of its great ______________ in 327 CE. What is the town?

•Bonus 200 points – What started to be built in year 327 there?


•The Church of Nativity


•In Canada you have to write H0H 0H0 when you write a letter to Santa. Why?

•This is Santa Claus’s post code in Canada.


•What should be eaten on each of the 12 days of Christmas to ensure good luck for the year ahead?

Mince pies


•This song was repeatedly voted as the most popular British Christmas song of all time.

•Bonus + 100 points: Name the band

•Bonus + 100 points: The year of release (+/- 2 years)

•Bonus + 100 points: When it charted in the UK last time (+/- 2 years)

•Bonus + 100 points: Which position it occupied last time (+/- 7 positions)

Merry Xmas everybody; Slade; 1973; 2017; 16th


•In this film, based on Dr Seuss’ story, all the residents of Whoville (Whos) enjoy celebrating Christmas, except for a misanthropic and egotistical creature who hates it and the Whos and tries to crush the Whos' Christmas spirit.

•Bonus question + 100 points: the year of release (+/- 2 years)

•The Grinch who stole Christmas



•A very important church figure in the Middle Ages arranged for the first Christmas live nativity scene and also encouraged using music in Christmas services. He is also the founder of one of the oldest orders in Catholic church; one of the streets in the centre of Brno is named after him and his portrait is placed on the outer wall above the entrance to one of the churches in the centre in the city.

•What is his name?

• Bonus 200 points: which century was he active in?

•Francis of Assisi;

•13th century


•The ___________________________________________ is a commercially important plant species of the diverse spurge family. The species is indigenous to Mexico. It is particularly well known for its red and green colours and is widely used in Christmas floral displays and is known in Czech by the name of Pryšec nádherný or …

•Give its Latin or English name

•Bonus 200 points: its common name in English or Czech (directly translatable).

A pointsettia; Christmas Star


•What kind of food is bûche de Noël?

•Bonus 200 points – what does it symbolise? 

Yule log


•A lead-singer of a very popular Californian ska-band of the 1990-es, later a successful solo pop-singer, released an album of Christmas songs in 2017, its title song sung with her new boyfriend, who she met when they both worked as coaches on the American TV show ‘The Voice’.

•Bonus + 200 points: What’s her boyfriend’s name?

Gwen Stefani; Blake Shelton


•Set in 1920s Vienna, this tale of a little girl, whose godfather gives her a special toy one Christmas Eve, is a live-action 3D adaptation of a famous ballet. Name the film.

•Bonus question + 100 points: the year of release (+/- 2 years)

•The Nutcracker in 3D
