Dollar Up
Job Vocabulary
Christmas Questions
You are buying Christmas ornaments at Keegstra's Dollar Store. Your total comes to $8.48. Using the "dollar up" method, how much do you give the cashier?
What is $9.00 dollars.
What does tsp. mean?
What is teaspoon?
This is something where you record the times you worked and then have the supervisor sign or approve of it.
What is a timesheet.
On the first day of Christmas my true love sent to me...
What is a partridge in a pear tree.
You are going to a Christmas party. You wake up at 10:00 am. The first thing you need to do is take a shower and get ready for the day. It takes you 40 minutes to get ready. When are you done getting ready?
What is 10:40 am.
You are buying groceries to make Christmas cookies. Your total comes to 10.12. What is the next dollar up ?
What is $11.00.
You do not have a 1 cup. measuring cup. You do have a 1/2 c. measuring cup. What do you do to make a whole?
What is use 2 1/2 cups.
This is another name for a "boss."
What is a supervisor.
This is a popular Christmas movie that was made in the 1990's and the main character's name is Kevin.
What is Home Alone.
It is 10:40 am and you are done getting ready. Next, you have breakfast and read the news on your phone at the same time. You do this for about 20 minutes. When will you be done?
What is 11:00 am.
You are buying a present for your niece at Toys R' Us. The toy is priced 19.99. Using the next dollar up and factoring in tax, do you think $20.00 would be enough? Why or why not?
What is no, you would be short money because of tax.
The Christmas cookies recipe you are doing instructs you to cream together the butter and sugar. What does this mean?
What is beat with an electric beater.
You have to wear something very specific for your job. What is this called?
What is a uniform.
What two phrases will you almost always find on Christmas gift tags?
What are the phrases "to" and "from."
It is 11:00 and you need to start preparing for your party. You need to do 3 things: 1. Go to the store and buy materials for wrapping (1 hour). 2. Wrap the presents. (30 minutes) 3. Pack the presents in your car. (20 minutes) How long is this altogether?
What is 1 hour and 50 minutes.
You are buying a hot chocolate at McDonald's. The price is $3.23. Using the dollar up method and a pen/pencil OR mental math, how much change do you get if you give the cashier a $5 dollar bill?
What is $1. 77.
What is one safety skill you should remember when taking cookies or something out of a hot oven?
What is wear oven mitts, make sure no one is around (especially little kids), make sure to turn the oven off after.
The company or person someone works for.
What is an Employer.
Every elf has this ornament on the tip of their shoes.
What is bells.
You forgot you have a hair appointment at 12:30. You are at the store getting wrapping stuff. You started at the store at 11. It will take 1 hour and 50 minutes to do everything you need to do. Will you make it to your appointment? Why or why not?
What is no, because 11:00 + 1 hour and 50 minutes is 12:50 and that is 20 minutes later than 12:30.
You get $20 from your grandma for Christmas and $10 from your aunt for Christmas. How much do you get altogether (no calculator use allowed)? Is that enough to buy a $32 sweater?
What is $30. No, that is not enough.
You put your cookies in the oven at 12:22. They take 8 minutes to back. When will they be ready?
What is 12:30.
A qualification of a good worker; worthy of trust, reliable.
What is dependability.
Which was the first state in the United States to recognize Christmas as an official holiday?
What is Alabama.
The Christmas party you are going to is a 1/2 hour away. It starts at 5 pm. Now, you just heard on the radio that there is a 15 minute back up on the expressway. What time do you think you should leave?
What is by 4:15 pm.