Christmas 1
Christmas 2
Christmas 3
Christmas 4
Christmas 5

Kevin McCalister 

a sociopathic kid who illegally booby trapped his house in an attempt to commit acts of murder and torture against robbers, instead of just hiding or just running to a neibours house, also known as the boy who was left alone by his neglectful family in Home Alone


Wet Bandits

Harry and Marv, Robbers who were scoping out and attempted to rob the house of the McCalisters in Home Alone, also tried to kill Kevin



Movie: Elf. a human who was accidentally sent to the North Pole as a child who travels to New York in an attempt to find his true father, and he attempts to kill a Macy's Santa who was just trying to do his job and make kids happy



The green....goblin? That lives on a mountain who is set to destroy the spirit of Christmas for everyone


Jack Frost

the antagonist of Santa Clause 3 who causes terror at the north pole by trying to dethrown Santa out of jealousy and manipulated him out of power, turning the North Pole into a chaotic amusement park. He also attempted to kill alot of children and adults by freezing them.


Ebenezer Scrooge

the man who who is visited by the spirits of christmas past, present, and future in A Christmas Carol


Heather McCalister 

Kevin McCalister's cousin who was responsible of the head count that lead to the abandonment of Kevin(she needs to learn what her family looks like)


Ralphie Parker

The main kid in A Christmas Story


Frosty the Snowman

A magical snowman who comes to life, in Frosty the Snowman


Kate McCalister 

Kevin McCalister's neglectful mom, who forgot her own child at home while the family goes on vacation to Paris


Hero Boy

the boy in The Polar Express who didn't believe in Santa and stepped aboard a random train per the request of a complete stranger he never met


Scott Calvin 

a man who accidentally incapacitates Santa and must fulfill his role to save Christmas in Santa Clause


Edward Scissorhands

A 26 year old humanoid outcast with blades for fingers who was created by a scientist who had died before he can finish his creation. He is brought in by a saleswoman named Peg, and Edward falls for Peg's TEENAGE daughter


John McClane

The main character, NYPD officer in Die Hard


Kris Kringle

A man who is put on trial for saying he's the real Santa in Miracle on 34th Street), how this is a crime is beyond me



A robber who gets jobs to be a mall Santa to rob malls. He later learns his wrong doings and goes on a path to become a better person



A member of Chewbacca's family in The Star Wars Christmas Special (I ran out of christmas movies)


Steve Claus

The grandson of Grandsanta and the oldest brother of Aurther Claus in Arthur Claus 



In Klaus, he's a postal worker who wants to fulfill christmas joy, pretty much a non magical Santa



An evil Elf who was cursed into become a human, with a plan to sabotage Chrisman at all costs, such as stealing the star of the magic Christmas tree at the north pole, and drugging the other elves to be naughty