Who is George Bailey's Guardian Angel?
What does Marv call he and Harry?
The Wet Bandits
What does Clark get all over himself after putting up their Christmas tree?
What toy is Buddy afraid of?
Jack in the Box
What is the name of the soap Ralphie's mother uses when he says the F-word?
(Double Points) What painting does Mary make for George
George lassos the Moon
"He's making violent love to me, Mother!" -Mary Bailey
What does Kevin steal after seeing old man Marley?
What happens to Aunt Bethany's cat after it's let out of its box?
It chews on the tree lights' cord and gets fried.
What does Buddy say when he answers the phone?
"Buddy the Elf, what's your favorite color?"
What radio program does Ralphie listen to?
Little Orphan Annie
How did George lose hearing in his left ear?
He jumped into ice water to save Harry
Angels With Filthy Souls
"Keep the change ya filthy animal."
(Double Points) What does Clark receive as his Christmas Bonus?
A one-year membership to the Jelly of the Month Club.
"Clark, that's the gift that keeps on giving the whole year."- Cousin Eddie
(Double Points) What was the first rule of the Code of The Elves?
Treat every day like Christmas
"The best way to spread Christmas cheer is singing loud for all to hear!" -Buddy the Elf
(Double Points) Whose hounds get into the Parker's house and destroy their turkey?
The Bumpuses'
"Our hillbilly neighbors, the Bumpuses, had at least 785 smelly hound dogs."-Ralphie Parker
She's the boy crazy hoot.
Violet Bick
How much do the 10 pizzas cost at the beginning of the movie?
What's the name of the mall worker that Clark starts hitting on?
"No S**t" -Clark Griswold
What does Buddy put in his spaghetti? (Name at least 3)
marshmallows, chocolate candies, maple syrup, chocolate sauce, and toasters pastries
Who is Ralphie's teacher?
Ms. Shields
What stops George from killing himself?
He sees someone else jump in before him
(Double Points) Where did Gus, the Polka King of the Midwest, leave his son behind all day?
A funeral parlor
"He was okay though, after two, three weeks he came around and started talking again..." -Gus Polinski
Who is Aunt Bethany's response when she's asked to say Grace?"
"Grace? She passed away 30 years ago."
Who was initially supposed to play Buddy the Elf?
Jim Carrey
Which Tv network would air A Christmas Story for 24 hours straight as a tradition?