Out of the people who responded... who was the youngest when they had their first kiss?
Who is Ronin.
Who just recently started liking ranch?
Who is Rachel.
On the first day of Christmas my true love gave this item to me...
What is a Patridge in a pear tree.
Rocking around the Christmas Tree
Who received used floss as a gift for Christmas one year?
Who is Paw.
Who can sing the song "Fireball" word for word?
Who is Luke?
Name of the Famous Russian Ballet about Christmas?
What is The Nutcracker?
Joy to the World
Out of the people who responded... what is the most popular Christmas movie with the people in our friend group.
The grinch.
Who enjoys jam and cottage cheese?
Who is Elise.
The highest-grossing Christmas movie of all time.
What is Home Alone?
Do you hear what I hear?
Out of the people who responded... who received anti-diarrhea medication for Christmas?
Who is Kaden.
Who got a book on menopause for Christmas one year?
Who is Keenan.
Three of Santa's reindeer's names begin with the letter 'D'. What are their names?
Dasher, Dancer, Donner
All I want for Christmas is you
Whose crazy combo is chocolate donuts with diet coke?
Who is Rachel.
Who can sing "All Too Well" (10 min version) word for word?
Who is Keenan.
This country was the first to begin the tradition of putting up Christmas Trees.
What is Germany?
Oh Holy Night