The first company to use Santa Clause in their advertising
The meaning of the word "Hanukkah"
The three of santa's reigndeer whose names begin with a "D"
Dancer, Dasher, and Donner
This famous fairytale inspired the gingerbread house?
Hansel and Gretel
The country that first started putting up a Christmas tree
The best selling Christmas song of all time
White Christmas (Bing Crosby)
In Charles Dickens' a Christmas Carol, this is Scrooge's first name
This fruit sauce is traditionally served with the holiday turkey dinner
Santa's Reindeer that was named after another holiday Mascot
Merry Christmas in Spanish
Feliz Navidad
"Christmas doesn't come from a store, maybe Christmas perhaps means a little bit more" was written by this writer
Dr. Seuss
The Spanish see in the New Year by swallowing this on each of the 12 chimes at midnight?
Eggnog originated from this country
This popular Christmas song was actually written for Thanksgiving
”Jingle Bells”
This movie centers around the department store Macy's?
Miracle on 34th Street
This is the name of the German yeast cake often served at Christmas?
This “spy” hides around the house, reporting back to Santa on who has been naughty and nice.
Elf On The Shelf
Fast Food chain that the Japanese eat on christmas
This actor played scrooge in "The Muppets Christmas Carol
Michael Caine
This biblical town’s name means ‘house of bread’ in Hebrew