Christmas Movies
The Reason for the Season
Christmas Songs
Christmas Culture
Emma’s Challenge

The dish that Buddy the Elf covered in chocolate syrup, candies, and marshmallows.

What is spaghetti?


The names of the 3 Wise men.

Who are Casper, Melchior, and Balthazar?


This is the dessert requested in “We Wish You A Merry Christmas”.

What is figgy pudding?


This is what the Greek letter ”x” means in Xmas.

What is Christ?


Santa’s sleigh has a weight capacity that includes his own body weight and the weight of the presents. The presents this year weigh about 438 pounds, which is about 65% of the capacity. If the sleigh‘s capacity is 674 pounds, this is how much protein Santa needs to eat to lose enough weight.

*Hint: 1 gram of protein = 1 pound of weight

What is 236 grams of protein?


Name of the monster in Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer.

Who is Abominal Snowman?


The Annunciation, Visitation, Nativity, Presentation, and Finding of the Boy Jesus in the Temple are all contemplations of which Mystery of the Rosary?

a) Sorrowful

b) Glorious

c) Joyful

d) Luminous

What are the Joyful Mysteries?


Finish the lyric:

”O Come All Ye Faithful…”

What is “Joyful and Triumphant”?


This deliciously shaped peppermint treat originated in German and Swedish culture.

What is a candy cane?


A group of elves enjoy candy canes over round peppermints. They think the shape changes the flavor. These elves only talk to each other when asking what candy is the best. This the type of psychological bias they have.

What is confirmation bias?


The name of Courtney’s husband in 4 Christmases

Who is Jim Cootie?


Angels sang these lyrics to the shepherds when Jesus was born.

FUN FACT: This is the Excelsis Deo Gloria

What is “Glory to God in the highest heaven, and peace on earth to those with whom he is pleased”?


”Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to people of good will!”


Mariah Carrey sings this iconic Christmas song every year.

What is “All I Want For Christmas“?


This Christmas decoration is a symbol of eternity of love and everlasting life due to its shape.

What is a Christmas Wreath?


Name 10 Christmas Movies in 30 seconds

Die Hard counts.


The Grinch eats this raw vegetable and uses it as deodorant as apart of his daily routine.

What is an onion?


The number of days it took Mary and Joseph to travel from Nazareth to Bethlehem.

*Hint Nazareth is in Galilee and Bethlehem is in Judea. The trip was about 90 miles

What is 4 days?


Finish the Lyric:

”Did you know that you‘re baby is Heaven’s perfect lamb…”

*Finish it into the rhyme scheme

What is “The sleeping child you’re holding is the great I AM”

This is an epithet used for poinsettias in Mexico since they grow in the dead of winter.

*Ask for Multiple Choice if necessary

What is “Christmas Eve Flower”


Mrs. Claus told Santa that her gingerbread recipe this year was terribly delicious. Since Santa took AP Lang he understands the phrasing she used is this literary device.

What is an oxymoron?


The McCallister family vacationed here in the movie Home Alone and Kate visited these two other destinations before accepting a ride home to meet her son.

*Partial points are awarded


What is Paris, France; Dallas, US; and Scranton, US?


The symbolic representation given at the birth of Jesus being the Bread of Life for the world (hence being born in Bethlehem) and the spiritual food we need to be nourished eternally.

What is a manger?


This is the most recorded Christmas song in history. It has more than 733 different versions.

What is “Silent Night”?


During World War 1, this Pope called for a temporary ceasefire during the Christmas season in which the trench soldiers responded and celebrated Christmas Day by playing soccer and sharing chocolates across the battle field.

*Looking for the Pope’s name (not particular to the number)

Who is Pope Benedict XV?

The elves are making presents according to the graph of 3x2-4x+3. Santa wants to know the amount of presents made between the first and third day of gift making.

*Partial credit

What is 16 presents?

1. 150 points -> [x3-2x2+3x]13

2. 250 points -> [27-18+9]-[1-2+3]