What does Alvin want for Christmas.
A hula hoop
What state does Buddy go to, to see his dad.
New York
When did NORAD start tracking Santa
What Hotel does Kevin stay at while he is in New York
Plaza Hotel
How many ghost are in a Christmas Carol
How many times is the name of Santa Claus used in The Night before Christmas?
What big store does Buddy go to after trying to see his dad but getting denied.
What country was first to use Christmas trees.
What does BUZZ get mad at Kevin for at the end of the first movie.
Trashing his room
Who is the author of a Christmas Carol
Charles Dickens
What was the name of the little girl in the nutcracker?
What song does Buddy and Jovie sing in the girl bathroom?
Baby its cold outside
Which country started the tradition of gift giving.
Romans or Italy
How many official Home Alones have been made
Which continent is credited with creating eggnog
What were Frostys last words
I'll be back again some day
What does Buddy gift his dad.
A bikini
What is the most popular tree topper
What state does Kevin live in.
Deep dish aka Chicago
Who is the original singer of Mele Kalikimaka
Bing Crosby
In the song Grandma got ran over by a reindeer, what did grandma go and get.
Her medicine
What are the toppings that Buddy puts on his spaghetti.
Fudge Pop-tarts, Sno-Caps, mini-colored marshmallows, M&Ms, and chocolate syrup.
What sign would you be if you were born on Christmas Day?
What castmate is Kevin Mcallister aka Macaulay Culkin related to.
Fuller McCallister aka Kieran Culkin
When was Christmas declared a national holiday?