The Right Way
What is "stage left"?
Doggy doggy
Who is "Toto"?
What actors memorize
What are "lines"?
The directions how to move onstage
What is "blocking"?
The period "drama enrichment" is held
What is "7th Period"?
The Top of the World (or at least the stage)
What is "upstage"?
Lazy people!!! Sell, and CLOSE!!
Who is "the Lion"?
The things you use onstage in a scene
What are "props"?
The one who cues the show and helps the director
Who is "the stage manager"?
Poseidon and Luna
What are the names of Ms. Marangelli's service dogs?
The Hiding Place
What are the "wings"?
I believe I can fly
Who is "Herbie"?
A single light (for special reasons)
What is a "spotlight"?
This describes what your voice should do
What is "projection"?
What is a "tragedy"?
The Holding Area (if you have a long wait)
What is "backstage"?
The better Dorothy (according to her mom)
Who is "Mopsi"?
Acts break into these
What are "scenes"?
Made Up on the spot
What is "improvisation" or "improv"?
We know some of his insults
Who is Shakespeare?
The "Up" is "Down" (or closer to the audience)
What is "downstage"?
A singer that's not allowed
Who is "the Scarecrow"?
The big cheese (so to speak)
Who is "the director"?
The whole show depends on this printed item
What is "the script"?
According to the sign, all the world's.....
What is a stage?