Mental Health

This is the most common liver issue derived from alcohol.

What is alcohol-related cirrhosis?


 This is the percent increase of mouth cancer for those who drink more than 150 grams of alcohol daily.

What is 400%?

Most chronic drinkers experience the heightening of this measure.

What is blood pressure?


Most mental problems related to drinking are classified as this depressive, stress, and anxiety disorder.

What is Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD)?


This gender has a higher rate of having a stroke as they continue to drink alcohol.

What are women?

This is the amount of people who die from alcohol-related liver disease in America yearly.

What is 21,000?


These are the cancers which are most commonly caused by drinking.

What are breast, liver, mouth, throat and esophagus cancer?


Alcohol use can cause the blood passage ways to your brain to block or burst in this traumatic brain damaging event.

What is a stroke?


Alcohol is considered this type of drug which can lower brain activity and cause mental disorders.

What is a depressant?


This type of cirrhosis is caused from liver issues.

What is liver cancer?


What percent of chronic drinkers develop serious liver problems?

What is 20%?

Cancers caused by alcohol can be particularly dangerous because drinking can do what to cancer medications and treatments?
What is making them less effective?

This disease narrows blood vessels and reduces blood flow to the limbs.

What is peripheral arterial disease?


Long-term alcohol use can lead to the shrinking of the hippocampus,, a part of the brain which controls this process of storing information.

What is memory?


Similar to drug addictions, alcoholism is often a result of this condition, where someone becomes immune to the effects of the substance they drink, so they need to drink more to feel normal.

What is tolerance?


A large amount of alcohol consumption, even in just a few days can cause this disease where fat builds up in parts of the body.

What is alcoholic fatty liver disease?


Alcohol can cause cancerous cell growth, which damages this molecule and causes it to be unable to repair at a cellular level.

What is DNA?


One of the most deadly effects of alcohol consumption is this condition where the heart cannot pump enough blood to the body.

What is heart failure?

Long-term alcohol abuse can impact your nervous system, which can lead to this disease which impacts memory and general brain function.

What is dementia?


Over time alcohol use severely weakens this body system which helps to fight against infection.

What is the immune system?


If you are a heavy drinker you are this percentage more likely to develop liver disease.

What is 100%


The reason why alcohol is linked to cancer is because alcohol has this compound, which is a known carcinogen. This compound is also why certain drinks are more intense than others.

What is ethanol?


Even though alcohol makes your risk of heart disease much higher, it's not the end of the road! By starting to practice this, even after developing disease, your health will improve.

What is abstinence?


These are the two most common co-occurring mental illnesses with alcohol use disorder.

What are schizophrenia and bipolar disorder?


As you know, alcohol is severely detrimental to the body, one of the impacts being the gain of this body factor.

What is weight?