Educating the community, case management, collaboration with the interdisciplinary team
What are roles of the community health nurse?
One-sided shaking or tremors of a limb
What are early signs of Parkinson's disease?
Joint pain, stiffness, limited range of motion, crepitus
What are signs of osteoarthritis?
Medication given in adrenal crisis
What is emergency administration of corticosteroids?
Facial rash, elevated ESR, fatigue, joint pain
What are signs and symptoms of systemic lupus erythematosus?
The greatest barrier to healthcare access
What is cost?
Priority assessment in new cervical spinal cord injury patient
What is respiratory status?
Corticosteroids to reduce joint swelling and deformity
What are medications for rheumatoid arthritis?
Kaposi's sarcoma, pneumocystis pneumonia, Burkitt's lymphoma
What are opportunistic infections in AIDS patients?
The most reliable method to assess for fluid volume increase
What is daily weights?
Formulation, implementation, modification
What are the stages of influencing public health policy?
Difficulty dressing, bathing, reading, or talking
What are symptoms of the moderate stage of Alzheimer's disease?
Promoting bowel and urinary elimination in a spinal cord injury patient
What are interventions to prevent autonomic dysreflexia?
Cardiovascular, renal, or hematologic complications
What are signs of worsening/complications of lupus?
Initiating, maintaining, sustaining, contemplating
What are components (phases) of adherence?
Health coaching, self-management, self-determination
What are strategies to promote empowerment?
Rare, progressive neuromuscular disorder caused by degeneration of motor neurons in hypothalamus and spinal cord
What is ALS?
Establish regular sleep pattern, gentle stretches, mental health support
What are interventions for fibromyalgia?
Complication of kidney failure resulting in excessive retention of urea
What is uremia?
Salmeterol, Montelukast, Albuterol
What are asthma medications?
Financial, structural, cultural barriers
What are barriers to primary care?
Inability to problem solve, delayed developmental milestones, echolalia
What are symptoms of IDD (Intellectual Developmental Disability)?
Tremors, rigidness, akinesia, postural instability
What are symptoms of Parkinson's Disease?
Hyperpigmentation of skin, fatigue, weight loss, muscle weakness
What are symptoms of adrenal insufficiency (Addison's Disease)?
The HOPE questionnaire is used for this purpose
What is spiritual assessment?