Name 1 cause of Chronic Bronchitis (Etiology)
What is Smoking, Irritants, Alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency
What is an exam finding indicative of Cystic Fibrosis?
Cyanotic lips, pursed lip breathing, tachypnea (29 b/min), Auscultation: diminished breath sounds all lung segments (except absent breath sounds over right posterior and lateral basal segments), expiratory wheezing.
Name an Etiology for Asthma
Define Interstitial Lung Disease
Refers to a group of problems in the lung that affects the "interstitium".
Who was the 1st pick of the 2003 NBA draft?
Lebron James
Name an exam findings of Chronic Bronchitis
What is Barrel Shaped chest, paradoxical breathing pattern, appears fatigued, tachypneic, frequent coughing bouts
What is an assessment you could do for Cystic Fibrosis?
6MWT, 1 Min Sit<>stand, Plank, balance asessment during dynamic tasks, CFQoL
Name a treatment goal for Asthma
Describe an assessment you might do with someone with ILD/PF
6MWT, 1 Min Sit<>stand, 5xSTS, MMT, HRQOL, Impact of dyspnea via UC SOB questionnarie
Who is the best selling musical artist of all time?
The Beatles
Name an assessment you might consider doing with someone with Chronic Bronchitis
Breathing pattern, 5x sit<>stand, 4m walk test/gait speed, BERG, Oxygen response to activity/need for supplemental O2, AMPAC 6 Clicks
Maintain strength, improve activity tolerance/endurance, airway clearance and secretion management
Submax exercise test, PFTs with use of bronchodilator
What is something you should monitor for while working with a patient with ILD/PF?
Always monitor Sp02 (slide says keep above 88%, but we were taught 90%???), titrate oxygen liberally with activity, watch for sympoms of syncope or dizziness
Name the three different types of balls used in quidditch
Quaffle, Bludger, Snitch
What is the prognosis for Chronic Bronchitis?
Condition can be stabilized with appropriate management, likely progression to pulmonary hypertension and RHF, poor management can lead to respiratory or heart failure.
Explain the pathophysiology of Cystic Fibrosis
Abnormal salt and water transport: increased viscosity and decreased clearance of mucus, leads to airway obstruction and repeated bacterial infections
What are 2 symptoms a patient might complain of with Asthma
Significant dyspnea with strenuous activity, tightness in chest during activity, dry cough, more frequent episodes during bad inversion or colder days
Name a treatment goal for ILD/PF
Aerobic exercise for CP endurance, strengthening to improve peripheral extraction of O2, thoracic strength and rib-cage mobility, energy conservation and PLBZ for RR and anxiety control, addition of rollatory PRN for decreasing dyspnea and allowing for rest breaks.
Name the planets in our solar system in order from closest to the sun to farthest
Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune
What is a treatment goals for Chronic Bronchitis?
Improve endurance, improve strength (especially LEs), decrease dyspnea during activity, improve balance, education for activity pacing, education for pulmonary hygiene.
Improvements in life expectancy (Over 50% of individuals with CF today will live past 40), better outcomes with early diagnosis and management, slow decline in pulmonary function (most individuals with CF die from pulmonary complications), some patients may qualify for lung transplantation.
Name the self-report form mentioned on the slides concerning Asthma
Living with Asthma questionnarie
Name 2 symptoms a patient might complain about with ILD/Pulmonary Fibrosis
Moderate exertional dyspnea with any ordinary daily activities rest breaks, inability to do stairs at hoe or walk outside with his wife, frequent dry cough, has no appetite and eating is exhausting, unable to take out trash or do ADL's
What is the name of the fish in Spongebob that is credited with saying, "My leg?"