What was the year GHS was established?
What is 1998?
What is 14?
Who is the greatest mass murder in movie history?
What is Thanos?
Hurricane ___
What type of tree can you hold in your hand?
What is a palm tree?
What room is Newspaper in?
What is U120?
Where is Varca from?
What is Ohio?
In Stranger Things what does Eleven like on her Eggos? (name one of many)
What is whipped cream, jelly beans, or hersheys chcocolate?
___ I sure hope it does
Road Work Ahead?
What gets wetter and wetter the more it dries?
What is a towel?
What colors are the different hallways in order from Cafeteria to the end of the hallways?
What is red, blue, green?
What is converse?
Which music group is considered to be the top selling artist(s) ever?
What is the Beatles?
💎🤲! Where does this meme come from?
What has a bottom on the top of it?
What is your legs?
What is in the case next to the Cafe?
What is Wolfs?
What is Varca's favorite genre of music?
What is punk?
What is 20?
What is 2016?
What is seen in the middle of March and April that can’t be seen at the beginning or end of either month?
What is the letter 'R'?
How long has Newspaper been offered at Ghs?
What is 21 years?
How many tattoos does Varca have?
What is 3?
What is the name of Trump's old TV show?
What is the apprentice?
When was the word meme invented?
What is 1976?
What disappears as soon as you say it's name?
What is silence?