Had a big brain thinking moment after the fire was re-lit.
Who is Ralph?
The location where the beast proposed to come from.
What is the wa’a?
Thought, “This meeting must not be fun, but business.”
Who is Ralph?
The symbolism of the beast.
What is fear?
The meaning of unhandily. “Ralph and Simon picked him up unhandily and carried him to a shelter.”
What is in a clumsy or awkward manner?
Stayed behind with the littluns while the beast was hunted.
Who is Piggy?
The location where the boys looked for the beast first.
What is the castle?
Said, “‘Don’t you all want to be rescued?’”
Answer: Who is Ralph?
The symbolism of the conch.
What is authority, order?
The meaning of hysterical. “The sound of mock hunting, hysterical laughter, and real terror came from the beach.”
What is uncontrolled extreme emotion?
Scared a littlun by walking at night.
Who is Simon?
The location where the dead parachuter rests.
What is the tree on the top of the mountain?
Said, “‘Unless we get frightened of people.’”
Who is Simon?
The symbolism of the ocean.
What is the unknown, paranoia?
The meaning of mutinously. “‘I’m chief. We’ve got to make certain. Can’t you see the mountain? There’s no signal showing. There may be a ship out there. Are you all off your rockers?’ Mutinously, the boys fell silent or muttering.”
What is refusing or unwilling to obey?
Saw the dead pilot's body dancing in the wind first.
Who is Eric?
The thing that makes a bridge up to the castle.
What is the big ol’ rock?
Said, “‘You can’t go out — it’s horrible!’”
Who is Piggy?
The symbolism of the deceased parachuter.
What is savagery in adults?
The meaning of contemptuously. “Jack broke in, contemptuously.” ‘You’re always scared.’”
What is in a scornful way?
Sniggered at Simon walking into a tree.
Who is Robert?
The approximate height of the castle thought by the boys.
What is perhaps a hundred feet high?
Said, “‘Last night I had a dream, a horror dream, fighting with things. I was outside the shelter by myself, fighting with things, those twisty things in the trees.’”
Who is Phil?
The symbolism of the longer and more unruly hair of the boys.
What is the increase in separation between the boys' new and old lives?
The meaning of festoon. “Here the breeze was fitful and allowed the strings of the parachute to tangle and festoon.”
What is to adorn with decorations?