This may not be present in a crib while an infant is sleeping.
What are toys, bumpers or pillows.
This may not be withheld from a child for purposes of discipline.
What is food?
A child’s diaper should be check at this frequency.
What is every 2 hours or when the child indicates discomfort or is soiled?
A parent does not have free access to a program when this is in place.
What is a court order? (A copy must be on file at the facility)
These shall be in good health and known to be friendly to children.
These shall be in good health and known to be friendly to children.
A facility operator shall make reports to the parent and DHS when these instances occur. (3)
What is a child is lost, left behind, and/or child left unattended in the facility when closed.
The facility is subjected to these with regard to their Certificate of Compliance.
What are announced and unannounced inspections.
Child Health Reports should be updated at this frequency for Infants/YOT and OLT/Preschool.
What is every 6 months for I/YOT and yearly for OLT/PS?
This shall be posted in the group play space.
What are written plans?
These forms need updated when any personal info changes for the family, i.e. address, phone number, employment, etc. and at what frequency.
What is the Agreement and Emergency Contact Form, every 6 months?
What are written plans?
What are Infants and Toddlers?
A Certificate of Compliance is issued for a duration not to exceed this time frame.
What is 12 months from the date of issue.
A diaper must be in a tied bag when placing here.
What is and unlined outdoor trash can?
Adult Health Assessments are due at this frequency.
What is every 2 years?
These plan are written for Preschool age children. (full name)
What are Individualized Education Program? (IEP)
These must be stored with bristles up and exposed to circulating air.
What are toothbrushes?
These are confidential and shall be stored in a locked cabinet.
What are Child or Facility Person Records?
These should be emptied daily.
What is a water table?
A child can be exempt from immunization for either of these two reasons.
What is a religious belief or medical reason? (And documentation must be on file)
Children assigned to the care of one or two staff persons is called this?
What is a group (primary care group)?
Infants this age and younger shall be held while being bottle fed.
What is 6 months?
These plan are written for Infants/Toddler age children. (full name)
These plan are written for Infants/Toddler age children. (full name)
New foods shall only be introduced after this.
What is consultation with parents?
This form shall be completed and provided on this frequency, to parents regarding the child’s growth and development.
What is Child Service Report and every 6 months? (123.3)
This must happen to food that has been served to a person.
What is discarded?