I am first of the Avot and am looking for a wife for my son.
What is Avraham Avinu?
I am a servant sent by my master with camels and gifts.
What is Eliezer going to find a wife for Yitzchak?
The number of bracelets Eliezer gave Rivka represents this.
What are the luchot?
I have a feather! Na na na na naaah!
What is the letter Aleph?
I am Rabbi Olson's favorite frog
Who is Kermit the frog?
My name is nothing to "laugh" about, I am one of the Avot, and getting married soon.
Who is Yitzchak Avinu?
Wow! This man is giving me jewelry. I just told him about my family and offered him to sleep over.
What is Eliezer giving gifts to Rivka?
The weight of the bracelets Eliezer gave Rivka represents this.
What are the Aseret Hadibrot?
I look like something at the end, and I have a leg on my left side.
What is the letter Samach?
A game that got taken away from us!
What is Gaga?
I am very good at drawing water and use my shoulder to carry my jug.
Who is Rivka?
He did this to have success in finding a wife.
What is Eliezer davening?
This is what happened when Rivka came to draw water.
What is the water rising up in the well?
These two letters look similar and come on after the other in the Aleph Bet.
What are the letters vav and zayin?
Stop behaving so nicely! I am running out of ink.
What is the Derech Eretz card stamp?
I am Rivka's father.
Who is Betuel?
This is what Eliezer was waiting for her to do.
What is Rivka giving Eliezer and his camels water?
This is what made Avraham's camels look different from all the others.
What are muzzled camels?
I am tall and my top sticks out on both sides.
What is a Tzadi Sofit?
Keep laughing, but these jokes are really bad.
What are Rebbe jokes?
I am the husband of Milkah, and am Avraham Avinu's brother.
Who is Nachor?
I see water rising.
What is Rivka coming to draw water?
The Torah did not need to tell us this piece of information.
What is "the camels belonged to Avraham"?
I have no feather.
What is the letter Chet?
I make things loud and cool sometimes too.
What is Rabbi Olson's speaker?