Key Words Directions
Key Words Sentences

What is the chunking strategy?

Chunking is the process of breaking  down complex information into  smaller, more manageable pieces.


What are the keys words in the following direction:

Close your chromebook, take out your My Perspectives book and open to page 442.

Close chromebook, My Perspectives, 442


What are the key details in the sentence below: 

According to the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, there are about 1.5 million products that have patents. 

U.S. 1.5 million product patents


Why is it important?

Helps you remember and recall information that you hear or read more easily


What are the keys words in the following direction: 

Read pages 442-443 and answer the questions on page 444. 

Read 442-443, answer questions 444. 


What are the key details in the below sentence: 

A noted business magazine states that only one in 5000 inventions succeeds in the marketplace. 

one in 5000 interventions succeed marketplace


Who can use the chunking strategy?



What are the keys words in the following direction: 

Join your classmates who chose the same response in one corner of the room.  

Join classmates same response one corner room


What are the key words in the below sentence: 

When a working model is finally developed, the inventor must conduct what is called a "search for prior art".

working model developed, search for prior art


Chunking is a memory strategy. True or False?



What are the keys words in the following direction: 

Share your group's ideas with your classmates.  Then ask questions or make comments.  Remember to express your own point of view in a considerate, respectful way. 

Share ideas. Ask questions comments. Respectful.


What are the key words in the below sentence:

When everything is ready to go, the inventor has to apply for a patent, a legal right to ownership of the invention. 

Inventor apply patent


Chunking is NOT a process.  True or False?

False!  Chunking is a process.  

To chunk effectively, start by  identifying the main concepts or  ideas you need to learn.

Then, break them down into smaller,  more speciļ¬c chunks.

Finally, organize those chunks in a  way that makes sense to you. This  will help you remember and recall  the information more easily.


What are the keys words in the following direction: 

After the debate, decide whether your opinion has changed . Go to the corner that best represents your new opinion. 

Opinion changed. Go corner new opinion.


What are the key words in the sentence below: 

Many inventors hire patent lawyers to make sure their interests are protected. 

Inventors hire patent lawyers interests protected