Sheep, Sling, Boy
David and Goliath
“Follow me and i’ll make you fishers of men.”
Jesus (Mathew 4:19)
Knefe Rgb…
Knefe Rgb Be brure ze gebure
We gebewatihani hamelmale werk (x2)
Anti msrake we weldichi tsehay xedke
Aman b aman (x3) eye halik kidanechi weladite amlak
I am known as the melodist of the Church. I am from Axum, Tigray. I invented 3 types of hymns, through the grace of the Holy Spirit.
St. Yared
Who is His Godfather?
Coat, Well, Egypt
Joseph and the coat of many colours
“The Lord is my shepherd, I shall lack nothing."
David (Psalms 23:1)
Begenay yelil aleku…
Begenay yelil aleku Asene eyu zeterefe
Kebero xenaxil embilta Bkeney mahliet wdassie
Kzemerelu n’egziabiher Bhadish mezmur msgana
Kenadyo kxewe simu Ayrebrebn eye gena
I was one of the 72 Disciples. I grew up and lived in Caesarea. I was married with 4 daughters. After Pentecost, I became one of the 7 deacons chosen, under the leadership of St. Stephen. I played a large role in preaching the Gospel to Eritrea and Ethiopia.
St. Phillip
Where did He die?
Husbands, Mother-in-Law, Harvester
The story of Ruth
“How can a man be born when he is old? Can he enter a second time into his mother's womb and be born?”
Nicodemus (John 3:4)
Aeintey rien…
Aeintey rien Aezaney semien exub dnki neger
Tsebelka setyu hmum kmehar
Ayhaferen eyu neaka hezu
Xegu zekonka degef hiwetu
Lomi wm neat an godney halu
Mdrebeda lbey hiwet zralu
I am the cousin of Theotokos. I aided her during her pregnancy and labour. I traveled with the Holy Family as they escaped King Herod.
St. Salome
After Jesus was crucified, who took his body down from the cross?
Joseph of Arimathea
Trumpets, Wall, Loud Praise
Joshua and the battle of Jericho
“Master, the multitudes throng and press You, and You say, 'Who touched Me?”
Peter (Luke 8:45)
Kemesgneka eye ab mela hiwetey...
Kemesgneka eye ab mela hiwetey
Kwudeseka eye b kulu zemeney
Ftsum enkemeles goya halu ab godney
B ayni mhretka demsiso abesay (x2)
St. Michael flew me to see the heavenly delights of Jerusalem and brought me before the throne of God.
Abba Samuel of Waldebba
How many times does the Bible mention Jesus raising someone from the dead?
3 (the daughter of Jairus, the son of the widower of Nain, and Lazarus)
Tower, Languages, Disobedience
The tower of Babel
“And if it is evil in your eyes to serve the Lord, choose this day whom you will serve…But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.”
Joshua (Joshua 24:15)
Tesfaye n keykeihm redai seine...
Tesfaye n keykeihm redai seine
Selamey keyzereg gabla chnket koyne
Simka Gebriel eyu tergumu seb amlak
Ab zuryaye terekeb zena mdhan sebek
N dngl mariam — Gebriel
Kemti zebserkaya — Gebriel
Selamna sebeka — Gebriel
Nebsey ahdaya — Gebriel
My parents died when I was young. My family and I hid in a tree as we were pursued by soldiers. As I fled, something got stuck in my foot.
St. Mary
Where was the last supper?
The upper room on Mount Zion