Joseph Smith
Book of Mormon

The prophet Joseph Smith was this tall.

What is 6 feet tall?


Joseph Smith, Jr. was born to Joseph Smith, Sr. and Lucy Mack Smith in Sharon, Vermont on this day.  

 What is December 23, 1805?


The Smith family moved to this city in the year 1815.

Palmyra, NY, Manchester Area


Joseph was asked to return to the Hill Cumorah this many years before he was finally allowed to take the gold plates.

What is 4?


 According to Joseph Smith, this angel directed him to the location of the golden plates that would become the Book of Mormon.

Who is Moroni?


“Joseph was at ease around others and quick to smile, often telling jokes or humorous stories. His grammar was uneven but he displayed a natural intelligence when he spoke. Joseph was not a skilled horseman, but he excelled at _______ & ______ games.”

What is wrestling and ball games.


According to Joseph Smith-History, this event occurred on September 21, 1823, initiating a series of annual visits.

What is the visit of Moroni to Joseph Smith?


The first meeting of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints was held here.

What is the Whitmer farm?


Joseph translated the text of the Book of Mormon in this amount of time.

What is 3 months


This person went with Joseph and stayed in the get-away carriage to retrieve the gold plates in 1927?

 Who is Emma?


 Joseph had a light complexion, walked with a faint limp, and had this color of eyes.

What is blue?


Joseph Smith and Oliver received this priesthood authority from John the Baptist in 1829.  

What is the Aaronic Priesthood?


 Joseph Smith was born in this U.S. state.

What is Vermont?


The first Book of Mormon was for sale in March of this year.

What is 1830?


 This person was Joseph Smith's principal scribe during the translation of the Book of Mormon.  

Who is Oliver Cowdery?


Joseph was this age when he had typhoid fever when he was young and got an infection in his leg.

 What is 6 years old?


According to Joseph Smith-History, this was the date on which the Church of Christ was officially organized.  

What is April 6, 1830?


This farm was mortgaged to finance the printing of the Book of Mormon.

What is Martin Harris’s farm?


 After initially refusing to print the BOok of Mormon, Grandin finally said he would print 5000 copies for this amount of money.

What is $3000?


An angel appeared to these three men and showed them the golden plates along with other ancient artifacts.

Who are David Whitmer, Oliver Cowdery, Martin Harris?


Joseph was this age when the prophet Moroni first appeared to him?

What is 17 years old


The first Book of Mormon was for sale in what month of what year.

What is March of 1830


John the Baptist appeared to Joseph and Oliver on May 15th, 1829 here.

What is the Susquehanna River?


The gold plates were covered with ancient writing and bound together on one side by three rings. Each plate was approximately this dimension. 

What is 6 inch wide x 8 inch long?


The angel moroni appeared to this woman and showed her the gold plates?

Who was Mary Whitmer, David’s mother