He sold off 151 acres of his farm to help pay for the printing of the Book of Mormon
Joseph Smith revealed this location to be the place Adam came after leaving the Garden of Eden with Eve
D&C 121-123 were received while Joseph Smith was locked up in this location
Liberty Jail
When officially formed on April 6, 1830, the church had this many official members
This name of this city means City of God, and has yet to be established.
The number of copies printed during the original printing of the Book of Mormon
The printing press where the first copies of the Book of Mormon were printed and bound
The Grandin Printshop
The Three Witnesses of the Book of Mormon
Oliver Cowdery, David Whitmer, and Martin Harris
This angel conferred the Aaronic Priesthood on Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery in the spring of 1829
John the Baptist
He served as the first Patriarch of the church
Joseph Smith Sr
Encampment formed by members of the church as they waited out the winter of 1846-47
Winter Quarters
The modern version of Moroni we see on temples today first appeared on this temple
Salt Lake City Temple
After leaving Kirkland, Ohio, the church went west and settled in this location
Independence Missouri
17 people were killed when this LDS Settlement was attacked by a mob on October 30, 1838
Haun's Mill
Despite bullets flying around him in Carthage Jail, this apostle survived the mob that murdered Joseph and Hyrum Smith unharmed
Willard Richards
Donated glassware and China were crushed into the plaster of this building to give it a gleaming appearance
The original name of what became the City of Nauvoo
The only woman recorded to have seen both the plates and the Angel Moroni
Mary Whitmer
Joseph Smith's Vice Presidential running mate during his campaign for President of the United States in 1844
Sidney Rigdon
Phineas Howe obtained a copy of the Book of Mormon from Samuel H Smith and passed it on to this brother in 1830.
Brigham Young
The first foreign missionaries were sent to this city
Toronto, Canada
Primary architect of the original Nauvoo Temple
Truman O Angell
This famous early church member picked berries at night and hauled wood into town to help pay for the publication costs of the Book of Mormon
Porter Rockwell
The first Bishop in Kirkland
Newel Whitney
In 1863, this famous author called 800 Saints aboard a ship leaving Britain "the pick and flower of England"
Charles Dickens